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Everything posted by Sanjukta

  1. Hi, You are always welcome! Glad that your issue is resolved. Happy FusionCharting!
  2. X-Axis Line

    Hi, I am afraid, natively this is not possible with FusionCharts, as of now. As a work-around you can remove the canvas borders and apply "STYLES" on the "CANVAS" to make only the X-axis Line visible. Please check with the attached screenshot and the XML file for further reference. Hope this helps. Column2D.xml
  3. Printing A Chart Not Showing

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! I am afraid, I am unable to replicate the issue. The page after printing is displaying the chart perfectly along with the buttons and the text. In case you wish to render only JavaScript based charts (and not use Flash at all), you just have to add a line of code as shown below: FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript'). This code will ask FusionCharts renderer to skip Flash rendering and create pure JavaScript based charts. For further details on the above, please refer to: Hope this helps.
  4. Javascript Rendering Issues In Ipad

    Hi Abhilash, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! I am afraid, the JavaScript charts does not support the attribute "labelDisplay", as of now. As a work-around, please try using the line break "<br>" to display long labels in multiple lines, explicitly. Ex: <category label="20-Dec-10 <br>04:00"/> I am afraid, I am unable to replicate the issue. The alert set is displaying perfectly on-clicking the data-plots. Please refer to the attached screen-shot for your reference. Please make sure that you have done the following: 1. Flash Player Global Security settings enabled, if you are running the application from local file system (C:\ or D:\) and not from web server (local or live). Flash Player's Global Security setting blocks invoking/calling JavaScript from SWF (Flash Movie) by default. So you need to reset your setting into Global Security Setting panel and enable it. Please refer to the following link to enable the Flash Player Global Security settings: http://www.macromedi..._manager04.html 2. The "RegisterWithJS" (the last parameter) parameter is enabled in the HTML code. Ref.- var chart1 = new FusionCharts("../../FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "chart1Id", "400", "300", "0", "1"); Hope this helps.
  5. Chart Data Update Without Refresh

    Hi, Please try using the Real-time chart to display new data after every interval mentioned explicitly in the XML. Here the new data is pushed with the already existing data after every interval without refreshing the chart every time. Please refer to the following links for further details on the Real-time capabilities. Ref.- In case you wish to update the chart data, I am afraid, the chart has to be refreshed to let the data display. I hope this helps.
  6. Show Y-Axis Labels On Both Sides

    Hi, Could you please try using 2D Dual Y Combination chart to solve your purpose? Please try rendering all the <dataset> elements as "Line" with the help of the attribute "renderAs". Hope this helps.
  7. Displaing The Charts

    Hi, Please make sure you have correctly mentioned the relative paths for the JS files. Hope this helps.
  8. Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! I apologize for the inconvenience caused. The Scatter chart of the FusionCharts v3.2 or v3.2.1 JavaScript version does not support the "drawLine" attribute. The issue is fixed in the next upgraded version, i.e FusionCharts v3.2.2. The next version would release approximately in next few months' time. Hope this helps.
  9. Pie Chart

    Hi Swam, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! I am afraid, Pie chart is a Single-series chart that does not support multiple <dataset> elements, as of now. Please try using any Multi-series chart for the same. Hope this helps.
  10. Label Bug

    Hi, We are looking into the issue and would very shortly reply to your mail. Thank you for your patience and patronage.
  11. Chart Events Not Working Locally

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! Please make sure that the Flash Player Global Security settings is enabled, if you are running the application from local file system (C:\ or D:\) and not from web server (local or live). Flash Player's Global Security setting blocks invoking/calling JavaScript from SWF (Flash Movie) by default. So you need to reset your setting into Global Security Setting panel and enable it. Please refer to the following link to enable the Flash Player Global Security settings: Hope this helps.
  12. Clickable Labels For Bar Chart

    Hi, You are welcome. Glad that your issue is resolved. Happy FusionCharting!
  13. Label Bug

    Hi, Could you please send us the XML files you are using to render the charts so that we might test them for a probable fix? Awaiting your reply.
  14. Clickable Labels For Bar Chart

    Hi, Please check with the attached XML file for your reference. Hope this helps. Data.xml
  15. Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! Could you please send us the XML and the screenshot of your requirement? Awaiting your reply.
  16. Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! Could you please send us the XML and the screenshot of your requirement? Awaiting your reply.
  17. Chart Background Image

    Hi Kjetil, You are welcome. Please try either increasing the size of the chart to fir in the background image or try to create an image that would allow the chart size. Hope this helps.
  18. Hi, I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support this, as of now.
  19. Chart Background Image

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! Please try setting the attribute "showAlternateHGridColor" to '0' in the <chart> elements to hide the horizontal bands inside the chart. Hope this helps.
  20. Dragnode Function

    Hi, I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support this functionality in a single chart, as of now.
  21. Functionality Of Drag-Node

    Hey, You are always welcome. Glad that your issue is resolved. Happy FusionCharting!
  22. Just a number ...

    HI, I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support date/time format, as of now. But you can provide date as string value to display it on the charts. Hope this helps.
  23. How to add a link: into DragNode.swf?

    HI, Please note you can provide link in the attribute "link" in the <set> element. Link is not supported in the <dataset> element. Hope this helps.
  24. How to add into DragNode.swf?

    HI, Please note you can provide link in the attribute "link" in the <set> element. Link is not supported in the <dataset> element. Hope this helps.
  25. Marker X & Y positions / Long & Lat

    Hi, I am afraid, FusionMaps does not support latitude/longitude calculation, as of now.