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Everything posted by Sanjukta

  1. Text Box / Note overlay

    Hi, I am afraid, this is not possible with FusionCharts, except for legend box, as of now.
  2. Hi, Could you please confirm if you are still looking for this? Please mail us at [email protected]
  3. Scaling the bar chart

    Hi, Please try setting the "yAxisMinValue" explicitly or set the attribute "setAdaptiveYMin" to '1' in the <chart> element to show a smaller difference in the dataplots. Hope this helps.
  4. Hi, I am afraid, FusionCharts natively does not support value in time format as of now. Also, you cannot provide string values to Y-axis.
  5. Real Time Data first plot point

    Hi, Please try providing the certain point in the Static XML which would be displayed as soon as the chart is loaded. Hope this helps.
  6. Making a column N/A

    Hi, Please try upgrading your current version to FusionCharts v3.1.1 or above. The newer version supports an attribute "displayValue" that helps you in customizing the data-value to any string value. Hope this helps.
  7. areaAlpha does not work

    Hi, Please try setting the attribute "alpha" in the <chart> or <dataset> element to customize the transparency.
  8. Hi, I am afraid, this feature is not supported by FusionWidgets, as of now.
  9. Hi, Please check the version of the Flash player with the help of the following link. Ref.- Hope this helps.
  10. overlappying points

    Hi, FusionCharts natively does not have any solution or the overlapping points. As a work-around, please try decreasing the "alpha" of the data-plot lying above in order to make the data-plot below partially visible. Hope this helps.

    Hi, The tooltips accept links, etc in the HTML form. But the codes or tables are not supported in tool-tips, as of now.
  12. Hi, Please try upgrading to FusionCharts v3.2 or above to avail the attribute "syncAxisLimits" in the <chart> element of the Dual Y-axis. Setting this attribute to '1' lets you synchronize the limits of both the primary and secondary axes. Hope this helps.
  13. Hi, Please try using using "{br}" or "%26#10" the line-break in the tool-tip. For further details, please refer to the following link. Ref.- Hope this helps.
  14. Hi, i am afraid, I am unable to replicate the issue. The attribute "plotSpacePercent" is working though the difference is negligible because of the variation in end angles and start angles. Please try adjusting them for the best results. Hope this helps.
  15. [PIE3D] Localitation Right Menu

    Hi, Thank you for your suggestion. We have made a note of the same. Thank you for your continued support.
  16. Legend problem

    Hi, Please try setting the attribute "yAxisValueDecimals" to '0' in the <chart> element to show round-up digits. Hope this helps.
  17. Keep axis synchronized

    Hi, The latest version of FusionCharts, i.e FusionCharts v3.2 onwards the Dual Y-axis charts supports an attribute "syncAxisLimits" in the <chart> element. Setting this attribute to '1' lets you synchronize the limits of both the primary and secondary axes. Hope this helps.
  18. MTASC & fusionCharts

    Hi, Thanks for sharing the idea. Happy FusionCharting!
  19. Force Decimals on y-Axis Values

    Hi, Please try setting the attribute "yAxisValueDecimals" to '1' or any number of decimal places you wish to display, in the <chart> element. Also, please try setting the attribute "forceYAxisValueDecimals" to '1' in the <chart> element. Hope this helps.
  20. Asia Map

    Hi, Please check with the list of maps that is supported by the latest version of FusionMaps, with the help of the following link. Ref.- Hope this helps.
  21. Hi, Could you please upgrade the FusionWidgets v2 suite to the latest version, i.e, FusionWidgets v3.1.1 in order to avail the new features? The <task> element of the Gantt chart support date/time format since FusionWidgets v3. Ref.- Hope this helps.
  22. to get pdf of fusion charts

    Hi, Starting FusionCharts v3.0.7, you could export your charts as images. Ref.- The entire FusionCharts export process is a multi-step process involving various elements, including: 1. The chart itself - This is the SWF file that you embed in your page to generate the chart. The chart is responsible to take its own snapshot so that further processes can take place. 2. FusionCharts JavaScript class (FusionCharts.js) - The JavaScript class used to embed the chart. 3. FusionCharts Export Handlers (Server-side)- In case of server-side export, these server-side scripts accept and convert the bitmap snapshot of charts into images/PDFs. 4. FusionCharts Export Component (Client-side) - In case of client-side export, FusionCharts Export Component accepts the bitmap snapshot of chart and converts into the required export format. This is present as a Flash 10 SWF file. 5. FusionCharts Export Component JavaScript class (FusionChartsExportComponent.js) - This JavaScript class helps you initiate the FusionCharts Export Component object and to set the JavaScript communication channel between the chart and FusionCharts Export Component. It has additional logic for cross-browser compatibility and error handling. 6. These elements combined provide an elegant approach that allow you to export FusionCharts as images. For further details, please refer to the following link. Ref.- Hope this helps.
  23. Fixed distance between values on X-axis

    Hi, I am afraid, this feature is not possible, as of now.
  24. Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! This is an issue we have encountered and hence we are working on this for a fix. This issue would be resolved in our next upgraded release that would take place approximately in a month's time. Thank you for your continued patience and patronage.
  25. Negative values in the case of 3D Pie chart

    Hi, I am afraid, Pie Charts does not display the proper diagrammatic representation of the negative values. Hence it does not support this. As Pie Charts are made for visual comprehension and comparison of data-values, so it does not support negative values. Hope this helps.