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Everything posted by Sanjukta

  1. Plot Properties

    Hi Greg, I am unable to replicate the issue. The attribute "showPlotBorder" works perfectly in the <dataset> element. We would require the XML to test the error occurring.
  2. add more info to tooltip in Pie 3D Chart

    Hi, Please try setting the value for the attribute "showPercentInTooltip" to '0' in the <chart> element if you are using FusionCharts v3.1.1 or above to display the actual value in tool-tip. Hope this helps.
  3. Customizing the text shown in hover text

    Hi, Could you please upgrade to/download the latest version, i.e, FusionCharts v3.2.1 to avail various upgraded and new features? The latest version supports an attribute called "toolText" in the <set> element that would allow you to provide customized text to display. Hope this helps.
  4. Line Smoothing

    Hi, Could you please try using the Spline chart of the PowerCharts pack to get the smooth line curves? Hope this helps.
  5. Regarding Drag-Node chart

    Hi, We are not aware of why this issue might be occurring. The XML would be required in order to confirm the error.
  6. Hi, We are glad to announce FusionCharts v3.2 onwards supports ZoomLine chart along with various other updated functionalities that would solve your purpose. Please take a look into the ZoomLine chart in our FusionCharts Gallery with the help of the following link. Please note, the X-axis labels does not accept labels in Date/Time format, as of now. You would need to specify those explicitly as string value. Hope this helps.
  7. Waterfall Chart from left top to right bottom

    Hi, I am afraid, the Waterfall chart does not support this, as of now.
  8. Hi Sharad, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! Please try upgrading from your current version to your latest version, i.e FusionCharts v3.2.1. The issue you are facing, has been fixed in this version. Please refer to the following link for the upgrading purpose. Hope this helps.
  9. Hi Sreeyesh, I am afraid, the Spline Area chart of the PowerCharts pack does not support JavaScript fallback, as of now. We are currently working on it. The upgraded version of the PowerCharts pack would support rendering of charts on iPad/iPhone. It would approximately release in a month's time. Thank you for your continued patience and patronage.
  10. Is It Possible To Show Data Labels Beside Chart

    Hi, You are welcome. I am afraid, the Data-labels cannot be placed anywhere other than on the X-axis, as of now. Hope that your other issues are resolved. Happy FusionCharting!
  11. Fusionwidgets On Iphone?

    Hi, FusionCharts v3.2 onwards, the charts supports display on iPad/iPhone, as of now. Currently we are working on the upgraded version of FusionWidgets that would support the same. The upgraded version of FusionWidgets would be released in next few quarters. Thank you for your continued patience and patronage.
  12. Fusion Charts Asp.Net

    Hi, Please refer to the following link to know how to create Multi-series chart XML. Hope this helps.
  13. ScrollColumn2D.swf allignment problem

    HI, Could you please confirm which alignment you are looking for, in these 2 charts? Awaiting your reply.
  14. Example gauge that polls its data

    Hi, Could you please check with the attached sample for your reference? Also, here the data is needs to be changed manually. But you can use a Server-side scripting language to fetch the data from the database that would update the chart automatically. In the attached sample, please try changing the data in the "Data.txt" file and find the Angular Gauge refreshing accordingly. Hope this helps. Real time
  15. Bullseye Chart?

    Hi, Could you please check with the XY Plot (Scatter/ Bubble) chart to solve your purpose? Ref.- Looking forward to your feedback.
  16. SQL Query for multi series line chart

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! Please refer to the following link to get an idea about how that data is plotted from the database in ASP. Could you please let us know the Server-side scripting language you are using so that we can help you more on this? Looking forward to your feedback.
  17. Hi Marc, If you get an "Invalid XML Data" message, it means that the XML data document is malformed. Check it for common errors like: 1. Differences in case of tags. e.g., <chart> should end with </chart> and not </Chart> or </CHART> 2. Missing opening/closing quotation marks for any attributes. e.g., <chart caption=Monthly Sales' ..> should be <chart caption='Monthly Sales' ..> 3. Missing closing tag for any element. e.g., <set label='Services' value='26' > should be <set label='Services' value='26' /> 4. If you're using any special characters in your XML, make sure they're properly encoded. e.g., in dataXML method, % needs to be encoded as %25, & as %26 and so on. In dataURL method, you can provide most of the characters directly, without the need to encode. 5. In dataXML method, check for conflict of ' (XML Attribute Character) and " (HTML Parameter Character). e.g., if you're using direct HTML embedding method, and using " for HTML parameters, then you need to make sure that all your XML attributes use ' as containers. In case the issue still persists, please send us the XML file that you are using, as an attachment. Looking forward to your feedback.
  18. Firefox 3.6 and IIS Server

    Hi, You are always welcome. Glad that your issue is resolved. Happy FusionCharting!
  19. Hi, Please try downloading the latest version of FusionCharts, i.e FusionCharts v3.2.1 which would support Multi-series Column3D with Dual Y-axis and various other upgraded features, with the help of the following link. Also, please try using the MSColumn3DLineDY.swf to solve your purpose. For further details on the XML format of the above chart, please refer to the following link. Hope this helps.
  20. Help req on Export function under Updatepannel

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! This happens because either "RegisterWithJS" (the last) parameter is not enabled (set to “1”/”true”) in the HTML page or the Flash Player 10 or above is not installed. Ref.- var myChart = new FusionCharts("Column2D.swf", "myChartId", "400", "60", "0", "1"); Hope this helps.
  21. I have a problem with performance of FusionCharts.

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! The Flash Player has its own limitation of displaying the chart if the XML data fed to it is huge. Also, the charts of the FusionCharts suite also have limitations in the acceptance of data. the maximum number allowed varies from chart to chart. Please check with the maximum data-plots supported by the charts of the FusionCharts pack. 1. Column chart: 1000-1500 2. Bar chart: 1000-1500 3. Line chart: Upto 2500 4. Pie/Doughnut chart: 10 (for a comprehensive data visualization) 5. Pareto chart: 1000-1500 6. Marimekko chart: <1000 7. Stacked chart: <1000 8. Combination chart: 1000-2000 9. Scatter chart: 3000 10. Bubble chart: 500 11. Scroll chart: 1000-2000 12. ZoomLine chart: Tens of thousands of points [Note: ZoomLine chart, Marimekko chart and the Pareto chart are newly included since the latest version, i.e, FusionCharts v3.2.] Please note the number of data-plots mentioned here is the maximum. It varies according to the machine configuration and usage of various features like Styles, Animation, Anchors, etc. Hope this helps.
  22. box plots with median

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! We are glad to announce that we are going to include "Box and Whiskers" chart that supports Mean, Median, etc in the upgraded version of the PowerCharts. The PowerCharts upgraded version would be releasing approximately in a month's time. Thank you for your continued patience and support.
  23. Hi, Could you please confirm if you wish to enable scrolling or let the attribute "forceGanttWidthPercent" function? In case you wish to enable scrolling, please refer to the following link. The attribute "forceGanttWidthPercent" specifies if you want the chart to never automatically adjust the Gantt width and stick to the percent width that you've specified. For this attribute to function, you would need to provide a value for the attribute "ganttWidthPercent" first. Hope this helps.
  24. Angular Chart

    Hi, The Angular Gauge is from the FusionWidgets pack. You would need to use "AngularGauge.swf" file in order to render the Angular gauge. Could you please refer to the following links for the details of the XML format for Angular gauge? Ref.- Hope this helps.
  25. Angular Chart

    Hi, The Angular Gauge is from the FusionWidgets pack. You would need to use "AngularGauge.swf" file in order to render the Angular gauge. Could you please refer to the following links for the details of the XML format for Angular gauge? Ref.- Hope this helps.