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Everything posted by Sanjukta

  1. Link Max Character Size(link attribute)

    Hi, We are looking into the issue. we shall update you as soon we come up with a solution. Thank you for your continued patience and patronage.
  2. Multi-Series Pie

    Hi, Altrenatively, you can try using the Multi-level Pie chart from the PowerCharts pack to solve the purpose. Please refer to the following link for further details on above. Hope this helps.
  3. Multi-Series Pie

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! It seems form the data that you have posted, you are intending to show the Pie slices as the sum from the first slice. For example, you mentioned "Region1 - 2 46%". Does that imply that the actual value of the Region 2 is (46-18) 28%? In case you wish to show this, it is possible visually. But the values of the individual slices would be displayed, not the sum of 2 or more. Also, Pie charts does not support the display of negative values. I hope I am able to make myself clear. In case I am wrong, could you please try sending us a screenshot of your requirement? Looking forward to your feedback.
  4. Flash Player 10.1 urgent issue

    Hi Martin, You are always welcome. Glad that your issue is resolved. Happy FusionCharting!
  5. Alerts Error In Real Time For Gauges.

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! Please note the "Annotations" depends on the height and width of the chart in order to be displayed perfectly. Please try to adjust the height and width of the chart in the HTML page to fix the annotations correctly. You can also scale the annotations automatically using the attribute "constrainedScale", etc in the <annotations> element. Please refer to the following link for further details on Auto Scaling. Hope this helps.
  6. Zoom Line Dropping Right Columns

    Hi, Please note that the ZoomLine chart has a typical functionality of skipping labels in between to show an approximate number of data on the 1st screen. The chart needs to be zoomed in, in order to see all the data-points. In this case, in the 1st screen only the data upto the date 11/18 is visually displayed and the rest are skipped which would be visible when zoomed in. In order to view till 11/22 you would need to zoom into the last part. I am afraid, there are no options to disable this functionality as this is an internal aspect of ZoomLine chart. I hope I am able to make myself clear.
  7. Hi, I am afraid, the issue is still not completely resolved, as of now. We are still working on it and would come up with the solution, very soon. Thank you for your patience and support..
  8. Rotatevalue Bug In Html5 Renderer

    Hi, We are looking into the issue. We shall update you as soon we come up with the solution. Thank you for your continued patience and patronage.
  9. Doubt Zoomline Chart

    Hi, Could you please confirm if you are intending to display a particular value on the chart when it renders or just the maximum Y-axis value? In ZoomLine chart, as there are numerous data points in most of the cases, so the chart automatically displays some, skipping a few labels. 1. In case the largest data-plot (which you intend to display) is getting hidden as that particular label is skipped in the 1st screen and is displayed at the n-th level of zooming. Natively, this cannot be controlled as this the typical functionality of the ZoomLine chart. If displaying a certain label is important to you, as a work-around, please try setting the attributes "displayStartIndex" and "displayEndIndex" in the <chart> element with the index value of the label that contains the largest data-plot. For instance, if the largest data-plot falls between the 6th and the 12th label, please try setting the "displayStartIndex='6' " and "displayEndIndex='12' ", which would display the data-plots in these labels on the 1st screen as the chart renders. 2. If you are just intending to display the maximum Y-axis value, no matter how small/large the data-values are, please try setting the "dynamicAxis" to '0' in the <chart> element. I hope I am able to make myself clear.
  10. Flash Player 10.1 urgent issue

    Hi, The Flash Player 10.1 issue had been fixed up by Adobe in the latest updated release. Could you please try uninstalling Flash Player by downloading a Flash Player uninstaller from http://download.macr...lash_player.exe and then re-install the latest Flash Player (make sure you are installing Flash Player ? Hope this helps.
  11. Hi Sylvain, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! If your chart shows a "No data to display" message, it could be the following scenarios: 1. Your XML data doesn't contain any data that could be plotted by FusionCharts. In this case, your XML just contains the <chart> or <dataset> tags without any data between them. 2. You might be using a single-series chart SWF and providing data in multi-series format or vice-versa. In this case too, you'll get a "No data to display" message. 3. In some Dual Y Combination charts, you need to provide at least one dataset for both the axis. Otherwise, you'll get a "No data to display" message. In case the issue still persists, please feel free to revert back to us.
  12. Print Multiple Charts In One Jpeg Or Pdf

    Hi, FusionCharts supports Client-side Exporting of Multiple charts into a single PDF/JPEG file. Please refer to the example in the following link. I am afraid, the same is not possible in Server-side exporting, as of now. Hope this helps.
  13. Scroll Line Chart Javascript Fallback Line Color

    Hi All, I am afraid, FusionCharts-Highcharts does not support Scroll Bar in JavaScript fallback (ipone/iPad/iPod), as of now.
  14. Regarding Smarter Interactive Legend

    Hi, In case you wish to hide the canvas background of the chart, please try setting the attribute "showCanvasBg to '0' in the <chart> element. You can also change the color of the background using the attribute "canvasBgColor" in the <chart> element. For further details on the customization of canvas background of the chart, please refer to the following link. Hope this helps.
  15. Yaxismin, Yaxismax

    Hi, Please note, the first <set> element has a value lesser than "yAxisMinValue" that you have mentioned in the <chart> element. Ref. - <set name='Jan' value='17400' hoverText='January'/> FusionCharts automatically takes up the lowest value provided in the data as tha minimum value for Y-axis when the "yAxisMinValue" mentioned is greater than any data-values. Please try mentioning the minimum value of Y-axis equal to or less than the lowest data-value present in the XML. Hope this helps.
  16. Custom Category Label?

    Hi, Please try using the line-break " &#10;" in between the labels to break it into multiple lines. Ex: Second &#10; Oct-Dec. &#10; 2009 Hope this helps.
  17. Line Chart Step Size

    Hi, Please try mentioning the value for the "labelStep" attribute in the <chart> element depending on your XML data. Ex: <chart labelStep='5' > <set label='Jan 1' value='25' /> <set label='Jan 2' value='35' /> <set label='Jan 3' value='42' /> <set label='Jan 4' value='35' /> <set label='Jan 5' value='31' /> <set label='Feb 1' value='30' /> <set label='Feb 2' value='13' /> </chart> The above example would first display the 1st label, i.e, Jan 5 and then the 6th label, i.e, Feb 1. Therefore, you would need to count and explicitly set the value for the attribute in order to make the labels display accordingly. Hope this helps.
  18. Line Chart Step Size

    Hi, I am afraid, as of now, there are no other ways to create the chart except adjusting the values explicitly to match the labels. Please feel free to revert in case you have any further queries.
  19. Line Chart Step Size

    Hi, Could you please send a screenshot of your requirement? Awaiting your reply.
  20. Powercharts For Ipad/iphone

    Hi, You are always welcome. Thank you for your continued patience and patronage. Happy FusionCharting!
  21. Duplicate Y-Axis Values

    Hi, You are always welcome. I am glad that your issue is resolved. Yes, you would need to set these attributes explicitly to display the values perfectly on the chart. Happy FusionCharting!
  22. Regarding Smarter Interactive Legend

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! Please note you can apply a link in the Legend Caption and let the clicking on the caption opens up another chart or site. Please check with the attached sample XML of a Multi-series Column 3D chart for your reference. Since FusionCharts v3.2, this feature is the legend interactivity. In case you wish to hide all other data-plots keeping one, you need to click on the legends of the respective data-plots to hide them. In case you wish to hide the other data-plots permanently but let the Legends of one<dataset> elements be visible, please try setting the attribute "alpha" to '0.1' in the <dataset> element which you wish to hide. Hope this helps. Data.xml
  23. Treemap implementation

    Hi, i am afraid, I am unable to view any chart in the link you have mentioned. Could you please send us the screenshot of the chart you are looking for? Awaiting your reply.
  24. Printmanager For Fusionwidgets

    Hi, The Print Manager option would be available with the next upgraded release of FusionWidgets. The same would be released in next few quarters. Thank you for your continued patience and patronage.
  25. Arbitrary Labels On X-Axis?

    Hi Andy, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! I am afraid, this is natively not possible with FusionCharts, as of now. As a work-around, you can try providing blank <set> elements for the first few data-plots and a <set> element with a label somewhere midway in the month to get the label displayed in the middle of the month. Hope this helps.