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Everything posted by Sanjukta

  1. Problems With Special Chars

    Hi, You are welcome. Glad that your issue is resolved. Happy FusionCharting!
  2. Tick Marks On X-Axis

    Hi Nikki, I am afraid, FusionCharts does not this feature, as of now.
  3. Number Truncation On X-Axis

    Hi Dave, The long X-axis labels actually hides below the canvas, and not gets truncated, when it exceeds the allotted space. In case you wish to show them perfectly, you need to rotate the labels. The lstest version of FusionCharts, i.e, FusionCharts v3.2.1 supports ellipses for long labels and shows the entire label on tool-tip when the mouse is hovered over the particular label. Please refer to the following link for a clear idea of the ellipses. Also, please try downloading the latest version, i.e, FusionCharts v3.2.1 to avail the upgraded features, with the help of the following link. Hope this helps.
  4. Hi Brad, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! FusionCharts can be integrated with any Web application. Please make sure you have access to HTML, JavaScript and your system permits creating SWF objects. You need to write the HTML and JavaScript to render the charts. Also, FusionCharts only accepts XML as data for charts. So you need to create the XML based on the data in the database/any external source. Hope this helps.
  5. Hi, I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support this, as of now.
  6. Synchronized axis scale on combinat chart

    Hello, We are very excited to announce the release of FusionCharts v3.2 that leverages Flash and JavaScript (HTML5) to create stunning charts. It introduces the new zoom charts, Pareto & Marimekko charts and works with both XML and JSON data. It now works on iPads and iPhones as well. Please visit to find out what's new. FusionCharts v3.2 supports an attribute "syncAxisLimits" in the <chart> element. If you set this attribute to '1', it lets you synchronize the limits of both the primary and secondary axes. Thank you and have a good day.
  7. how to include "fusionchart.asp"

    Hi, Please find the solution to your query in the following Forum thread. Ref.-
  8. Hi, Please find the solution to your query in the following thread. Ref.-
  9. Hi Suresh, Could you please try using "sNumberPrefix" instead of "numberPrefix" in the <chart> element? Hope this helps.
  10. Pie3D.swf How to split a long tex?

    Hi, Could you please send us the value you are setting for the attribute "label"? Awaiting your reply.
  11. Hi, The system requirements to use FusionCharts is as follows: Server Side: Anything. FusionCharts runs on Windows, Linux, Unix or any other imaginable form of server that you can think of. Just make sure that your server MIME is configured for SWF files to ensure proper streaming. Most servers come pre-configured for SWF files. Client Side: Adobe Flash Player 8 (or above). Adobe Flash Player is a free and light-weight plugin to render Flash movies. It can be downloaded from It's one of the most widely installed plugin on this planet. Hope this helps.
  12. Display X-Axis on right side instead of left

    Hi, I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support this, as of now.
  13. Display X-Axis on right side instead of left?

    Hi, I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support this, as of now.
  14. Xsd For Data Streaming Charts

    Hi Deepti, You are always welcome. Glad that your issue is resolved. Happy FusionCharting!
  15. Xsd For Data Streaming Charts

    Hi Deepti, You are always welcome. I haven't tried it out from a xhtml but it should be quite simple. Something like this should work: <h:outputText value="&label="/> <h:outputText value="#{mybean.timeLabel}"/> <h:outputText value="&value="/> <h:outputText value="#{mybean.roundedRandomValue}"/> Hope this helps.
  16. How To Enable Logs

    Hi, You are welcome. Glad that your issue is resolved. Happy FusionCharting!
  17. How To Enable Logs

    Hi, Flash Player Global Security settings needs to be enabled, if you are running the application from local file system (C:\ or D:\) and not from web server (local or live). Flash Player's Global Security setting blocks invoking/calling JavaScript from SWF (Flash Movie) by default. So you need to reset your setting into Global Security Setting panel and enable it. Please refer to the following page for further details on the Flash Player Global Security settings: Also, please make sure the "RegisterWithJS" parameter is enabled in the HTML code. Ref.- var chart = new FusionCharts("MSLine.swf", "ChartId", "600", "350", "0", "1"); Hope this helps.
  18. How To Enable Logs

    Hey, You are always welcome. Happy FusionCharting!
  19. How To Enable Logs

    Hi, Please try referring to the example given in the FusionCharts Download pack. Ref.: Download Pack >> Code >> JavaScript >> Basics >> ListeningToEvents Hope this helps.
  20. Xsd For Data Streaming Charts

    Hi Deepti, I am not sure why this problem is occurring. Please try to set the following before writing to the output stream: response.setContentType("text/plain"); The provider page can be a JSF also, if that is what suits you. Hope this helps.
  21. How To Enable Logs

    Hi, I am afraid, this is not possible, as of now. FusionCharts is a client-side based component. Hence it does not support any logs on the server-side.
  22. How To Enable Logs

    Hi, The debug mode is a new concept introduced in FusionCharts v3 that helps you look into what is happening behind the chart scenes. It also lists out any errors, if present. You can use the debug window to trouble shoot all your charts. The debug window lists errors like: 1. Error in loading data - reasons. 2. No data to display - possible reasons. 3. Invalid XML data - 10 possible reasons. 4. If invalid style names are specified for Chart OBJECTS, etc. For further details on the DebugMode, please refer to the following link: Hope this helps.
  23. Xsd For Data Streaming Charts

    Hi Deepti, We are looking into it. We would get back to you at our earliest. Thank you for your continued patience and patronage.
  24. Hiding zero in Stacked Column

    Hi Peter, You are always welcome. We would surely update you as soon as we officially release the FusionCharts v3.2.2. Thank you for your continued patience and patronage.
  25. Schema Files for Fusion Charts

    Hi, Please refer to the attached file to check with the latest XSD Schema for the FusionCharts v3.1.1 suite. Hope this helps. XSD Schema for FC