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Everything posted by Sanjukta

  1. Hi, You are welcome. Please refer to the attachment to find the Multi-series Stacked Column2D chart sample. You can easily make sample charts of your own by downloading our FusionCharts v3.1.1 Evaluation Pack with the help of the following link: Ref.- You can also refer to the ready samples provided in the pack and thereby create your own chart. For more details on how to create the First Chart, please refer to the following link: Ref.- Hope this helps.
  2. Cannot drilldown in IE

    Hi Min, You are welcome. Glad that your issue is resolved. Happy FusionCharting!
  3. Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum. I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support the functioning of the attribute "numVisiblePlot" when the attribute "plotSpacePercent" is set to "80", as of now. This is occuring because when the attribute "plotSpacePercent" is set to the maximum value, i.e, 80, the chart is able to fill all its data plots withinthe view-able part of the screen. There's no need of scrolling to see all the plots. As a result the attribute "numVisiblePlot" is unable to perform its function. Hope I could make myself clear.
  4. Hi, This error occurs due to the floating number issue. Our developers are fixing this issue in our next release. As of now, could you please try setting the attribute "yAxisMaxValue" to "100.000001" in the <chart> element? Hope this helps.
  5. Multiaxis with vertical names

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum. I am afraid, the Multi-axis Line chart Of the PowerCharts pack does not support rotating of the Y-Axis values (values along the vertical axis), as of now. In case, you wish to display the data labels (X-Axis labels, values along the horizontal axis) vertically, please try setting the attribute "rotateLabels" to "1" in the <chart> element. Please feel free to revert in case you have any further queries.
  6. Aligning Chart

    Hi, The attribute "legendPadding" in the <chart> element specifies the padding from the right side of the canvas, in case the attribute "legendPosition" is set to "RIGHT" in the <chart> element. Otherwise, by default the legend is placed at the bottom of the chart and hence the attribute "legendPadding" works from the bottom only. Hope this helps.
  7. Hi, Could you please try using the attribute "numDivLines='19'" instead of the attribute "numVdivlines='9'" in the <chart> element? Also, please try to provide a numeric value for the attributes "yAxisMinValue" and "yAxisMaxValue" in the <chart> element. Ref.- <chart caption="ABC Company" xAxisName="Month-Year" yAxisName="Performance" hovercapbg="FFECAA" hovercapborder="F47E00" formatNumberScale="0" showvalues="0" animation="1" numVdivlines="9" yAxisMinValue=""+yMin+"" yAxisMaxValue=""+yMax+"" lineThickness="1"> Please refer to the screenshot of the chart rendered with your XML. Hope this helps.
  8. Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum. Could you please try using the attributes numDivLines='19' and adjustDiv='0' in the <chart> element? Ref.- <chart formatNumberScale='0' showvalues='0' animation='1' numVdivlines='19' adjustDiv='0' yAxisMinValue='96' yAxisMaxValue='100' lineThickness='1'> Hope this helps.
  9. Hi, Could you please do the following to achieve what you intend to? 1. Create all the XMLs for all the checkbox previously in your page as JavaScript string. 2. Then depending on the checkbox selection you have to set the xml of the chart using setDataXML() Please refer to the following link to get further details on the setDataXMl() : Ref.- Hope this helps.
  10. Hi Hari, The XML you have attached to your last post is of the FusionCharts Free version. The functionalities of FusionCharts v3 Enterprise licensed version is same as that of the Evaluation version. I am afraid, FusionCharts v3 does not have any Exponential scale to accept largely different data, as of now. Please feel free to revert in case you have any further queries.
  11. problem with SetDataXML

    Hi, You are welcome. Glad that your issue is resolved. Happy FusionCharting!
  12. problem with SetDataXML

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum. Could you please use chart.setDataXML("<?php echo $strXML ?>"); instead of chart.setDataXML('<?php echo $strXML ?>'); in your code? Hope this helps.
  13. Hi Hari, I am afraid, FusionCharts Free does neither supports exponential scale nor supports the Number scaling in the multiples of 100. FusionCharts only accepts values linearly. Hence the very small values in comparison to a huge value becomes invisible or are showed as "0". Please feel free to revert in case you have any further queries.
  14. Hi, The samples that were sent you contains a Multi-Series Bar2D and Multi-Series Area2D chart. Please check with the Multi-Series Column2D and Multi-Series Line2D charts attached with the post. I am afraid, Pie/Doughnut charts are Single-Series charts. These cannot be made Multi Series charts. For detailed information on Multi level Pie chart, please refer to the following link: Ref.- Hope this helps.
  15. Hi Hari, Could you please send us the XML file that you are currently using to render the chart? Awaiting your reply.
  16. AS3 and Google Analytics

    Hi, Could you please refer to this link to check if this is what you are looking for? Ref.- The above link displays the feture of Dynamic Resizing of the chart which we have included in our next upgraded version, i.e, FusionCharts v3.2, that would release in next 2 weeks. Looking forward to your feedback on the same.
  17. Hi, This issue is occuring because you need to use the specific .swf file that actually renders the chart you intend to display. For example, you are currently using MSColumn3D.swf file to render Multi-series Column3D chart. Now, if you wish to render a Multi-series Bar2D chart, you can keep the .js file, XML and HTML file unchanged (just need to change the path and the respective file names in the HTML page). But you ned to entirely copy the MSBar2D.swf file from the Download Package >> Charts folder. Only changing the name of the SWF file would not help. Hope I am able to make this issue clear. Please feel free to revert in case you have any queries on the same.
  18. AS3 and Google Analytics

    Hi Miguel, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum. Could you please check with the attached screenshot of the rendered chart and the XML file for your reference? FusionCharts does not support this feature, as of now. But we are glad to let you know that we have included the "Dynamic Resizing" feature in our next upgraded version, i.e, FusionCharts v3.2 which is going to release in next 15 days. In case you are using Flash (or AS2) to render your chart from the Chart source, then you can define all the properties in Action Script, in the XML. Hope this helps. Area2D1.xml
  19. FusionCharts v4 ?

    Hi Paul, Apologize for the inconvenience due to the delay in release in FusionCharts v3.2. Our developers were fixing some major issues and adding various new features to the pack. It is an excitement for us to announce that the Beta version would be releasing in another 2 weeks from now. Thanks for your continued patience and support.
  20. Hi, Our developers are still working on the fix of this issue. We will get back to you as soon we come up with any solution. Thanks for your patience.
  21. Export feature

    Hi Ramesh, Could you please take a look into the following links for details on the Export feature in FusionCharts? Ref.- Hope this helps.
  22. insert a break in the legend

    Hi, Could you please try " " instead of "/#10;"? In case, it still does not work, please send us the XML that you are using to render the chart. Awaiting your reply.
  23. Hi Hari, Could you please check with the Logarithmic Charts of the PowerCharts suite to see if it helps? Please refer to the following link for further details on the same: Ref.- >> Logarithmic Charts Looking forward to your feedback on the same.
  24. Hi Bob, Could you please try setting the attribute "showValues" to "1" in the <chart> element? Ref.- <chart plotSpacePercent='100' numVisiblePlot='7' showAlternateHGridColor='0' divLineColor='#000000' animation='0' defaultAnimation='0' caption='Sales Performance' shownames='1' showvalues='1' numberPrefix='' useRoundEdges='0' legendBorderAlpha='0' showBorder='0' bgAlpha='0,0' bgColor='#000000,#000000' canvasBgColor='#000000,#000000'> Could you please try applyling "Font Styles" to the object "DATAVALUES"? Ref.- <styles> <definition> <style name='MyFirstFontStyle' type='font' face='Verdana' size='12' color='FF0000' /> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='DATAVALUES' styles='MyFirstFontStyle' /> </application> </styles> Hope this helps.
  25. Hi, Yes, you can use setDataXML() method to load your data. For further details on the above, please refer to the following link: Ref.- Hope this helps.