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Everything posted by Sanjukta

  1. Hi, You are always welcome. Happy Fusioncharting!
  2. changing colors and width in 3d bar chart

    Hi, You are absolutely correct. The Pie chart of the Fusioncharts suite only support the percentage format. For every other chart in FusionCharts suite you have set the percentage value manually everytime the data changes. Please feel free to revert in case you any other queries.
  3. Real Time Area Chart

    Hi, The circles you are talking about are called "Anchors". Could you please try setting the attribute "drawAnchors" to "1" in the <chart> element? Also, please refer to the following link for further details on "Anchors" in a Multi-series Area2D chart. Ref.- Hope this helps.
  4. Bug with MSColum3D and legend

    Hi, FusionCharts are based on "noScale" mode. In this mode there is a constant ratio of the sizes while rendering the chart. In this case, the charts and all its related features are made to fit into the Flash container intact. In "exactFit" mode the chart is fitted into the container as the Flash Player intend to. In this case, there remains a chance of few items to get distorted as the chart is fitted into the container randomly. Hope this helps.
  5. Hi, You are welcome. Glad that your issue is resolved. Happy FusionCharting!
  6. Real Time Area Chart

    Hi Ben, I am afraid, I could not understand the query. Could you please send us the screenshot of the error you are receiving, as an attachment? Awaiting your reply.
  7. Pie Chart Label Position

    Hi Eric, I am afraid, Fusioncharts does not support this feature, as of now. But your suggestions are very important to us. We have made a due note of the same. Please feel free to reevert if you have any queries.
  8. Resize Chart

    Hi, Your suggestions are very important to us. So the "100% Dynamic Resizing" feature is included in our soon-to-be released upgraded version, i.e, FusionCharts v3.2. Hope you would be happy to hear this.
  9. Hi, You are welcome. Glad that your issue is resolved. Happy FusionCharting!
  10. changing colors and width in 3d bar chart

    Hi, Could you please try using the attribute "toolText" in the <set> element with a "%" sign? Ref.- <set label='Plain' value='14' toolText='30%' /> In any other chart except a Pie chart, you need to calculate and explicitly set the percentage value. The chart is unable to calculate it automatically like a Pie chart. Hope this helps.
  11. Hi, You are most welcome. Glad that your issues is resolved. Thanks for the appreciation. Happy FusionCharting!
  12. Hi, In a Bar chart, the horizontal axis that seems to be the X-Axis, actually represents the Y-Axis and the vertical axis represents the X-Axis. In this case you need to explicitly set the value of the attribute "yAxisMaxValue" to "100" in the <chart> element. Please check with the attached screenshot of the rendered chart and the modified XML for your reference. Hope this helps. StBar2D.xml
  13. trendlines padding?

    Hi, Thank you for the appreciation. Your suggestions are important to us. We have made a due note of the same. Happy FusionCharting!
  14. changing colors and width in 3d bar chart

    Hi, You are most welcome. Could you please try setting the attribute "numberSuffix" to "%25" in the <chart> element to achieve what you intend to? Hope this helps.
  15. Email Generated Chart

    Hi Ravi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum. FusionCharts natively does not support the mailing of charts. As a work-around, you can try Exporting the chart as Image/PDF and saving it. You can mail the saved image at any point of time. Hope this helps.
  16. changing colors and width in 3d bar chart

    Hi, You are welcome. Could you please try setting the attribute "showCanvasBase" to "0" in the <chart> element to hide the base? Also, please try using the attributes "canvasBaseColor" and "canvasBaseDepth" in the <chart> element, in case you intend to show a different color or different depth of the base respectively. Hope this helps.
  17. Hi, Oh! Could you please send us the XML file that you are using to render the chart? Awaiting your reply.
  18. Hide Canvas Border

    Hi, Aplogoies for the inconvenience caused. I am afraid, you cannot change the transparecy of the background (as you have shown in the image) as the color taken up by the chart is due to the SWF image file. Also please try using the attribute "bgSWFAlpha" to a value depending on the intensity of transparency you intend to display. For the second mark on the image, please try using the attribute "showAlternateHGridColor='0'" in the <chart> element. Please check with the attached image for your refernce. Hope this helps.
  19. Hi, Glad that your issue is resolved. Thanks for sharing the idea. Happy FusionCharting!
  20. Hide Canvas Border

    Hi, You are welcome. Could you please send us the XML file that you are using to render the chart? The XML you have currently posted does not correspond to the image that you have sent us. Please check with the attached screenshot of the chart rendered with the XML you had sent. Awaiting your reply.
  21. Hi, There are a few floating number issues which causes this error. Our developers are currently looking into this issue for a permanent fix. Could you please try setting the attribute yAxisMaxValue='100.000001' explicitly in the <chart> element? Also, please try using the attributes "numDivLines" and "adjustDiv='0'" in the <chart> element for achieving what you intend to display. Hope this helps.
  22. Hi, The feature you intend to display is not possible with FusionCharts. FusionCharts plots the charts primarily based on the data provided. The
  23. Hi Jose, You are always welcome. Please feel free to revert in case you have any further queries. Happy FusionCharting!
  24. Hi Jose, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum. I am afraid, FusionCharts natively does not allow inclusion of charts in PowerPoint, as of now. As a work-around, you can try to Export the charts as Image/PDF, save it and then insert it in the PowerPoint prroject. Please refer to the following links for further details on "Exporting as Image/PDF": Ref.- Hope this helps.
  25. YaxisMaxvalue not working in Stacked2DColumn

    Hi Nikhil, You are welcome. Glad that your issue is resolved. Happy FusionCharting!