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Everything posted by Sanjukta

  1. Ampersan in "link"

    Hi, You are welcome. Could you please let us know the version of FusionCharts that you are currently using? The latest version, FusionCharts v3.1.1 supports the attribute "unescapeLinks". In case, you are not using FusionCharts v3.1.1, please refer to the following link to upgrade your version: Ref.- Also, in case you feel your parser is decoding the URL encoded format, then you can double encode "%26" to "%2526" for resolving the issue. Hope this is of some help. Please revert in case you have further queries.
  2. Ampersan in "link"

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum. Could you please try setting the attribute 'unescapeLinks' to '0' in <chart> element of your XML? Hope this helps.
  3. Hi Mallik, I am afraid, our developers have never faced any such problem. Could you please check with the 'Flex Compiler' options? Also please try to test the project in normal RUN instead of DEBUG mode. If possible, please send us the sample code as an attachment. Awaiting your reply.
  4. Drilldowns not working with CDN

    Hi Rajesh, Glad that your issue is resolved. Thanks for sharing the idea with us. Happy FusionCharting!
  5. Hi, You are welcome. Glad that your issue is resolved. Happy FusionCharting!
  6. Mix different Charttypes

    Hi Kai, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! Could you please refer to the following link of the PowerCharts Gallery to check if you are looking for something like this? Ref.- The pack of Combination Charts of the FusionCharts suite also support the display of bar and line in a single chart as you intend to show. Please refer to the link for the same: Ref.- For further details on the above, please refer to the Combination charts section in the FusionCharts online documentation. Ref.- Hope this helps. Please feel free to revert in case you have further queries on the same.
  7. X Axis Label Spacing on 2 D Line with Scrollbar

    HI, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! I am afraid, FusionCharts natively does not support decreasing the space between data labels, i.e, X Axis Labels, as of now. As a work-around you can try increasing the font size by applying "Styles" on the data labels to achieve the desired look. Hope this helps.
  8. Hi, Could you please use the attribute 'color' in your code to resolve the issue? Ref.- $arrData[4][0] = "You;color=FF0000"; Hope this helps.
  9. upgrade to full version?

    Hi, Please make sure that you have done the following: 1. Replaced the evaluation version .swfs with the new .swfs (present in the download package under Charts/Maps folder). 2. Cleared your browser cache. 3. Please do make sure that all the SWF you are using for your implementation is from the purchased pack. When you now view your application, you would not find any stamps on your charts. Hope this helps.
  10. Zero Bars in 3D Stacked Bar

    Hi, I am afraid, the Stacked Bar3D chart of the FusionCharts suite natively does not support the hiding of any bar with a value=0, as of now. But as a work around, try not to provide any value to the <set> element which originally has a value=0. Ref.- <set value='' /> Hope this helps.
  11. MSStackedColumn2D.swf yAxisMaxValue bug

    Hi, We are updating all the Stacked charts so that 100% Stacked charts can be achieved natively by setting the attribute "stack100Percent='1'" in <chart> element of the XML. These updated charts would be released with our next version, that is, FusionCharts v3.2.
  12. Transparent for MSCombi3D.swf

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! I am afraid, Multi-Series Combi3D chart of the FusionCharts suite does not support the attribute "alpha" in the <dataset> element, as of now.
  13. pYAxisName and sYAxisName Font Color

    Hi, In FusionCharts, "Styles" are applied globally on the "Objects" and cannot be applied individually to any specific "attribute". In this case, I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support the "Font Styles" to pYAxisName and sYAxisNAme individually, as of now. If "Styles" are applied, it affects the object "YAXISNAME" globally.
  14. Radar chart displayValue rotation

    Hi, You are welcome. But I am afraid, PowerCharts does not have any work-around to this issue, as of now.
  15. Label on the x-axis is cropped up

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! In case, both the attributes "rotateLabels" and "slantLabels" could not fix this issue, then please try to shorten the length of the X-axis label or use a line-break " " between the label name, as a work-around. For further details on the line-break topic, please refer to the following link: Ref.- Hope this helps.
  16. Category text is truncated when line break is used

    Hey Arun, The FusionCharts Forum welcomes you! While I do get the idea of what you are talking about here, I would be really grateful if you could provide me/us with a screen-shot of the issue you are facing here. Also, in your reply, please do insert the XML used for the chart in concern here. I'll be looking forward to your return to this.
  17. Radar chart displayValue rotation

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! I am afraid, Radar chart of the PowerCharts pack does not support the rotation of the display value, as of now.
  18. How to save all charts?

    Hi Rakesh, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! Could you please refer to this link of the forum and check if it solves your purpose? Ref.- Please revert in case you have further issues.
  19. Hi, I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support different colors of the fonts within the same Object, as of now. When "Style" is applied, it is applied globally to an Object, You cannot apply diffterent styles individually.
  20. Line Chart - Multiple values for one Set

    Hi, In FusionCharts, by default, all the labels are displayed on the chart. However, if you've a set of streaming data (like name of months or days of week), you can opt to hide every n-th label for better clarity using the attribute "labelStep" in the <chart> element. This attributes just allows to skip every n(th) X-axis label. The value for the attribute "labelStep" needs to be mentioned (manually) in the XML. Ref.- <chart ... labelStep='10'> Hope this helps.
  21. Common scroll bar for two charts.

    Hi, I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support this, as of now.
  22. Hi Peter, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! As of now, FusionCharts v3.1.1 does not support the "Legend" for Single-series chart. The Pie chart being a Single-series chart does not support "legend" too. For solving this issue, we are including the "Legend" for the Pie chart in our next release,that is, FusionCharts v3.2. Please refer to the attached screen shot of the rendered Pie chart to check the "Legend" property. In case you need further details on the same, please drop in a mail at [email protected]. Thanks for your patience. Looking forward to your mail.
  23. FusionMaps for Flex v1.0 - License

    Hi Vipul, FusionMaps for Flex is a separate product from FusionCharts (InfoSoftGlobal Private Limited) where as Flash Builder 4 is a product from Adobe. Hence, they bear separate license. FusionMaps for Flex is an addon component for Flash Builder using which you can build interactive maps in our Flex Applications. In case you want to purchase/download or get information on our product, FusionMaps for Flex, please refer to the link for further details on the same. Ref.- We are providing a 20% discount to all buyers till 7th July. Please see: Looking forward to your feedback on the same.
  24. ToolText on DataLabels?

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! Please look for your solution below: A tool-tip is shown when the mouse is hovered over a particular data point. It shows the following information: Single series chart (except pie & doughnut): Name & value Pie & Doughnut: Name & value/percentage Multi-series & combination chart: Series Name, Category Name, Data Value But, if you want to display more information (string data) for the data item as tool tip, the attribute "toolText" is used in the <set> element to specify the same. I am afraid, the tooltip does not work for "datalabels". It works on the chart by default, if not disabled (manually), as of now. Please refer to the attached XML file format for solving your purpose. In case you are using the setDataURL method to render your chart, please try using the XML format attached. If you are using the setDataXML method, please try replacing the "&" with "%26". Hope this helps. Data.xml
  25. Regarding License Schemes:

    Hi Karthic, Thanks for your mail. Could you please drop a mail at [email protected] for this? Please do quote this thread in your mail. For further details on the above, please refer to the following link: Ref.- Thanks for your patience on this. Looking forward to your mail.