I'm using Fusioncharts in a business environment and I am having issues with charts not rendering at all on Edge and IE11.
The error I get is 'Invalid Argument' at position 2783 of minified SmartLabelManager.js
Any help would be appreciated. The code we are using is below:
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
type: 'StackedColumn2D',
width: '450',
height: '400',
dataFormat: 'json',
renderAt: 'stacked',
dataSource: {
chart: {
caption: 'Stacked Chart',
subCaption: 'Subtitle: Optional here',
xAxisname: 'X-Axis Label',
yAxisName: 'Y-Axis Label',
theme: 'marvin'
categories: [
category: [
{label: 'Jan'},
{label: 'Feb'},
{label: 'Mar'},
{label: 'Apr'},
{label: 'May'},
{label: 'Jun'}
dataset: [
seriesname: 'Legend 1',
data: [
{value: 500},
{value: 400},
{value: 300},
{value: 400},
{value: 900},
{value: 550}
seriesname: 'Legend 2',
data: [
{value: 950},
{value: 700},
{value: 550},
{value: 400},
{value: 300},
{value: 650}
seriesname: 'Legend 3',
data: [
{value: 600},
{value: 400},
{value: 800},
{value: 400},
{value: 550},
{value: 300}
// Render