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Everything posted by SeeThePicture

  1. Zooming And Scrolling In Iphone And Ipad

    Has anyone ever created an iPhone app (meaning listed at the Apple iTunes App Store) that features FusionCharts or any of its fallbacks? If not please let me know when it will be possible.
  2. Zooming And Scrolling In Iphone And Ipad

    My thoughts? It gets me excited about FusionCharts' future. It makes me think, "Why would FusionCharts consider dedicating engineering resources to enable interaction via single and multi-touch JS events? Is FusionCharts planning to meet the requirements of the mobile app market?" I would love to create an iPhone app that features FusionCharts. I am unfortunately unable to see if there are obstacles ahead. If an iPhone app exists using FusionCharts, let me know. I would like to buy, download and try it immediately.
  3. Fusioncharts And Mobile Apps

    Has anyone integrated FusionCharts into any Mobile Apps? If yes, let me know. I would like to see it. Especially if it (the App) is an iPhone app. Thank You, SeeThePicture
  4. Fusioncharts And Mobile Apps

    How would the implementation details of FusionCharts in an iPhone app differ from website implementation details? I hear there is a submittal and approval process that developers need to go through before their app is accepted by Apple into the iTunes App Store . If an app was found to include FusionCharts in it, would Apple approve the app? Does anyone have experience trying to implement FusionCharts in an iPhone app? FusionCharts are so beautiful and their interactivity is so easy -- The iPhone App world would really be missing out if they were unable to enjoy FusionCharts . What are your thoughts? Best Regards, SeeThePicture
  5. Zooming And Scrolling In Iphone And Ipad

    Hi, Any thoughts? Thank You, SeeThePicture
  6. Scroll Line Chart Javascript Fallback Line Color

    Ravur, Were you able to get a chart to scroll in an iPhone/iPad? Regards, SeeThePicture
  7. Scroll Line Chart Javascript Fallback Line Color

    First and foremost, I look forward to reading their response to your question about the line color issue you are having. But secondly, I find it interesting that you intend to use scrolling with iPhone/iPad. Does the scrolling function actually work for iPhone/iPad? Regards, SeeThePicture
  8. I have three series in my ZoomLine chart. Can I set the toolTipBgColor differently for each of the three? Can I make tooltips have shadow for all three? I see the toolTipBgColor and showToolTipShadow Attribute Names in the "Zoom Line Chart" section of the "Multi Series Chart" section of the "Chart XML API" of the Documentation. I've tried implementing both in the "<Chart..." section of my XML. -- couldn't get it to work. I've tried implementing both in the "<dataset..." section of my XML. -- couldn't get it to work. I've tried implementing both in the "<style..." section of my XML. -- couldn't get it to work. Please advise. Where and how do I implement series specific tooltip attributes and series common attributes? Thanks, Ferd
  9. Zoomline Tooltip Border Thickness

    I would like to specify the border thickness of a ZoomLine chart's tooltip. Is this possible?
  10. Is there an obvious reason the following are not working? I expect the paletteColors attribute to take effect, but it is not taking effect: Also, What are the hex values of FusionCharts V3's default color palette? Thank You, SeeThePicture
  11. Regarding background pictures, The documentation says bgSWF "Lets you specify the URL (with full path) of the background image / SWF File. Make sure that the image and the chart SWF file are in the same sub-domain." My site currently allows users (via PHP and MYSQL) to submit images for use as background images for their charts. I have hard-set the dimensions of the chart to 800px by 600px. By default, I understand if the user-submitted image is smaller than 800x600, the image will be placed at the upper left corner of the background space. If it's larger, only the top left 800px by 600px corner of the user-submitted image will show. I would like the ability to resize the user-submitted images so they either get shrinked or stretched to fit the 800 by 600. I know that if the submitted image is smaller than 800x600 and has to be stretched, quality will be sacrificed. I'm fine with that. Any ideas on this?
  12. line attributes how to change

    Hello, I am using a Combi2DSingleY. I tried lineAlpha="0" but it's not having any effect. Where in the XML should I enter this line of text? Basically, I want to see if I can make the line of the XY plot to make it transparent. I tried other things too, like lineDashed="1" or "0"... They don't take effect. Please advise. Thank You, SeeThePicture
  13. line attributes how to change

    Here is the XML: <chart palette="2" caption="Sales" subCaption="March 2006" showValues="0" divLineDecimalPrecision="1" limitsDecimalPrecision="1" PYAxisName="Amount" SYAxisName="Quantity" numberPrefix="$" formatNumberScale="0"> <categories> <category label="A" /> <category label="B" /> <category label="C" /> <category label="D" /> <category label="E" /> <category label="F" /> <category label="G" /> <category label="H" /> <category label="I" /> <category label="J" /> </categories> <dataset seriesName="Revenue"> <set value="5854" /> <set value="4171" /> <set value="1375" /> <set value="1875" /> <set value="2246" /> <set value="2696" /> <set value="1287" /> <set value="2140" /> <set value="1603" /> <set value="1628" /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="Profit" renderAs="Area"> <set value="3242" /> <set value="3171" /> <set value="700" /> <set value="1287" /> <set value="1856" /> <set value="1126" /> <set value="987" /> <set value="1610" /> <set value="903" /> <set value="928" /> </dataset> <dataset lineAlpha="0" seriesName="Predicted Profit" renderAs="Line"> <set value="4342" /> <set value="2371" /> <set value="740" /> <set value="3487" /> <set value="2156" /> <set value="1326" /> <set value="1087" /> <set value="1710" /> <set value="703" /> <set value="928" /> </dataset> </chart> Here is the SWF: MSCombi2D.swf