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Everything posted by javierp

  1. Hello, I'm trying to use the fc library in a project with icefaces (got the library from this thread) and the FusionCharts Free. I've managed to display a graph using the "dataURL" method (as translated into javascript), however couldn't manage to use the "dataXML" method (would be ideal, as I could the one of my seam's components to provide me the xml). Please find attached the source code for the htmlx file with the 2 graphs (one for each method), but onyl the second one displays, the first one says: "Error loading data" I also saw that in the library that there is an attribute called "xml" in the fc:render tag, is that the one that should be used? could you provide an example? Thanks in advance for your reply, Javi home.txt
  2. fc tag library unable to use in-line xml (dataXML)

    Hi Srividya, Thanks for the reply. I'm using the library 1.4.1 (fusionchartstaglibJSF1-2-java5-Version1_4_1.jar). The problem was solved after I changed two things: 1) I use now fc:render instead of fc:renderHTML (don't know what the difference is, but got the original idea from the sample application you posted) 2) Now I'm passing the xml back from my backing bean without problems and yesterday I was directly writing it on the xhtml page, the difference is that the xml from my backing bean comes correctly escaped (no "<" or ">" in the xml string, but "<" and ">" instead), by the way, I even tried using "! Apart from that, the library works for our purposes, not it's time to lear how to take advange of all the available charts Thanks, Javi
  3. FusionCharts JSF-All Tag Libraries & Samples

    Hello, is the taglib source code available to download? Thanks is advance, Javi