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About Kris

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Gantt Charts

    Hello, I have reviewing the forum and do not see any definitive answers regarding vertical scroll feature in gantt charts. I was just curious if there are any additional developments planned on this soon. Please let us know. Thanks, Kris
  2. If would be a nice feature to implement in a multi-series charts, so when you click on the legend it hides the line or column Thanks, Kris
  3. Hello, I am wanting to do a linear guage using the the weeks in a year For example if I pick a date range 07/01/2008 to 06/30/2009 So the weeks start at 27 and end at 26 I want the lower limit to be 27 and upper limit to 26 and ticks will go from 27|28|....through...|51|52|01|...through....|25|26 how would I do this? Also can represent a upper and lower date range?
  4. I have more than 50 - 100 processes - how can accommodate this
  5. How would provide a pixel based dimension when loading the chart, can you provide me with an example. Thanks, Kris
  6. Is there a way to resize the gantt chart to full window size of the users desktop?
  7. Is there a way I can hide the bar and show the tooltext value in the grid instead of the task bar