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About kristopher

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Bullet graph and ToolText

    Is there a way to change the ToolText for Bullet Graphs?
  2. Force Decimals on y-Axis Values

    On my graph, the y-Axis divisions are 2.8, 5.6, 8.4, 11.2, 14. Is there a way to force the 14 at the top of the y-axis to become 14.0? The combination of forceDecimals='1' and decimals='1' does not seem to work. And not sure to what extent yAxisValueDecimals affect the values. Thanks
  3. Trendline thickness and dashed property

    Works. Thanks a lot!
  4. Trendlines and 3d Graphs

    Can you bring trendlines/trendareas to the front of 3d graphs? The showOnTop='1', does not seem to work. Thanks -Kris
  5. Trendline thickness and dashed property

    Sorry, this isthe problematic code. <line startValue='750000' color='ff0000' displayValue='Total' dashed='1' dashGap='2' showOnTop='1' thickness='2'/> Having the Thickness = 2 is causing the dashes to disappear. Can you help?
  6. Trendline thickness and dashed property

    bump Can you repeat your solution?
  7. Trendline thickness and dashed property

    what was that?
  8. <trendlines> <line startValue='100000' color='ff0000' displayValue='Today' dashed='1' dashGap='2' showOnTop='1' /> </trendlines> This causes the line to be two pixels thick, but loses the dashed property. Is there a way around this?