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Everything posted by priyanka11

  1. Hi All, can anybody tell me please how can i wrap name in fusion chart.
  2. Hi, Can u please give me yuor email address so that i can send u screenshot because there is some problem in attachment. Thanks
  3. Hi, When i tried it in my original data then it srink my graph and only labels are display i am using this HTML test and XML is Please help me out.
  4. Hi, It is some what better but it print my values at 90 angle is there any way so that i can print my x-axex labels at 45 angle Thanks.
  5. HI , I am Using Charts/FCF_Column3D.swf and XML is -> Please let me know because it is urgent. Thanks
  6. HI, I am using Fusion Chart v3 that is free an XML that i am using is
  7. i used same but i am using graph attribute instead of chart because chart attribute is not working .. any help pls
  8. Hi, is labelDisplay and slantLabels will work with paid chart because i am using free on and want to use slantLabels but its not working i am using this one can anybody help me this is for bar chart
  9. actually it comes to database so its notpossible to break the string any other way
  10. Hi, I already tried that one but it's not working i want to wrap the text that display when we mouse over the courser in pie chart ples help me
  11. Hi, Can body tell me how can i wrap label value in next line in fusion chart because my value is too long so to display whole text i have to wrap it in next line so please help me out Thanks