Map is properly getting rendered properly on my laptop but when I am trying to open in on my mobile it is not displaying and showing me error Chart type not supported.
You may test it on
Please help
// Widget appearance configuration
$arrMapConfig = array(
"chart" => array(
"includevalueinlabels" => "1",
"labelsepchar" => ": ",
"entityFillHoverColor" => "#FFF9C4",
"theme" => "fusion",
"containerBackgroundOpacity" => '0',
"bgcolor" => "#191c25",
"canvasBgAlpha" => "0",
// Widget color range data
$colorDataObj = array("minvalue" => "0", "code" => "#293038", "gradient" => "0",
"color" => array(
["minvalue"=> "0", "maxvalue"=> "1000", "code"=> "#00FF00"],
["minvalue"=> "1000", "maxvalue"=> "30000", "code"=> "#FFFF00"],
["minvalue"=> "30000","maxvalue"=> "150000", "code"=> "#FFA500"],
["minvalue"=> "150000","maxvalue"=> "350000", "code"=> "#FF0000"]
// Map data array
if ($mapArrayData === NULL) die('Error parsing json');
$mapData = array();
foreach ($mapArrayData as $key => $val) {
foreach($val['districtData'] as $value => $v) {
$c = $c + $v['confirmed'];
array_push($mapData,array("id" => $str, "value" => $c, "lable" => $key, "link" => "n-state.php?id=$code"));
$arrMapConfig["data"] = $mapData;
$arrMapConfig["colorRange"] = $colorDataObj;
// JSON Encode the data to retrieve the string containing the JSON representation of the data in the array.
$jsonEncodedData = json_encode($arrMapConfig);
// Map object
$Map = new FusionCharts("maps/india", "Covid-19 India Map" , "100%", "450", "map-container", "json", $jsonEncodedData);
// Render the Map
$Map->render(); ?>
<!--<div id="audience-map" class="vector-map"></div>-->
<div id="map-container">Map will render here!</div>