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About pathutchinson

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Printing Help / Ipad Rendering

    I am having problems getting my charts to print at all and they don't render on IPADs. I use cold fusion and ideally I'd like to be able to print directly to PDF using the cfdocument tag. According to Fusion Charts website "its simply a matter of adding one line of code" I have spent hundreds of hours trying to get this to work. Does anyone have any suggestions? Here is my code <cfsilent> <cfparam name="URL.animate" default="1"> <cfset animateChart = URL.animate> <cfset strXML = "<chart caption='' subCaption='' labelDisplay='WRAP' baseFont ='Arial' baseFontSize ='11' Bold='1' pieRadius = '70' showBorder='0' enableSmartLabels ='1' paletteColors='196356,35882' formatNumberScale='0' numberSuffix='%2525' bgColor='ffffff,ffffff' startingangle='90' smartLineColor='CCCCCC' smartLineThickness='0' smartLineAlpha='40' isSmartLineSlanted='0' labelDistance ='1' exportEnabled='1' exportShowMenuItem='1' exportAtClient='1' exportHandler='fcExporter1'> >"> <cfloop from="1" to="2" index="i"> <cfset strXML = strXML & "<set label='" & arrData[1] & "' value='" & arrData[2] & "' />"> </cfloop> <cfset strXML = strXML & "</chart>"> </cfsilent> <cfoutput>#renderChartHTML("Charts/Pie2D.swf", "", strXML, "Baseline", 350, 350, false, false)#</cfoutput> Where would I put new code to make this printable and render on an IPAD?
  2. Label Inside Pie Instead of Outside

    I am creating a Pie2D.swf chart. In the past the labels for the pies ALWAYS appear OUTSIDE the pies against a white background and are readable and printable. Now I have a pie with one piece and its 100% of the pie (Only 1 piece and its 100%) Now the label is INSIDE the pie. Its now against a dark background and is NOT readable or printable. How do I get the 100% label to show outside ogf the pie?