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Everything posted by FlashDevMpact

  1. Hi , Im rendering a MSColumnLine3DChart wtih actionscript using a data.xml file for the chart's data, i embeded a Font named "Arial Rounded MT Bold" by adding it in librairy and linking is name with "Arial Rounded" link name ( CS4 embeding method ). i also added a text field out of the scene ( where i render the graph )that uses the "Arial Rounded MT Bold" embed font to make sure the font is really embed ( using AS2 method ). The chart renders fine but the FONT used is a default one since it is not finding the embeded one. Here the Xml code used for data : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <chart caption='REVENUS' palette='4' showValues='0' yAxisValuesPadding='5' adjustDiv='1' maxColWidth='35' numDivLines='10' divLineAlpha='35' canvasBgAlpha='0' bgAlpha='0' baseFont='Arial Rounded' baseFontSize ='1.3' baseFontColor ='222222'> <categories> <category label='JAN 10' /> <category label='F