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Everything posted by salmontec

  1. I am using the Multi-Series Area and Stacked Area charts with lines that run from X to -X. I need the lines to fill to the bottom of the chart instead of 0, -X or essentially yAxisMinValue. Is that possible?
  2. Area charts filling to a value other than 0

    I am trying to create an MSArea chart that properly fills the area between the lines in the MSLine.jpg chart. Whether I plot the lines 1-9 or 9-1 the second half of the lines draw over the previously drawn lines. I am sure the middle lines would be drawn incorrectly with the striping drawn towards 0 and not towards the line beneath it. If I could set the chart to draw towards yAxisMinValue and not 0, everything would be correct. If I += all the values so they are positive, it also draws correctly, but then my Y values of course are wrong. My xml data is attached. MSLine.xml