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About clee33

  • Rank
    Forum Newbie
  1. MS Parser issues

    I'm using the MS http Parser to load the fusion generated XML docs. It seems to load without issues but when i call on the values i get object required errors. What are you all using to parse the XML files that are used to feed Fusion Charts?
  2. User-defined custom charting

    Can you elaborate a little on this? What's the syntax on passing only one set's values?
  3. User-defined custom charting

    Thank you. This helps but it doesn't allow me to use part of the existing chart. I'm plotting 3 data sets and want to use 2 existing and 1 custom defined. Can I read into the XML into a string and use that to create the full XML file?
  4. Hi, I'm trying to give the user the ability to type in a number and then once they submit, it'll alter the chart based on their input. For example, if the user types in 5 and presses a submit button, the chart would render a line with a slope of 5. On top of that, I'd want the existing other data plots to stay there. I have an idea on how I plan to come up with the user-defined XML plot data with setDataXML, but it's taking the already charted data that's giving me issues. Thanks, clee33