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Everything posted by ichan

  1. Hi, We would like to use this function FusionCharts._fallbackJSChartWhenNoFlash() in our existing website for both flash or non-flash browsers. Is there any way we can call this function once for every pages in our website? We have so many pages with charts in it. It will be so nice if we don't need to change every pages with charts in it. Thanks. Ian
  2. Thanks. Do you know when will 3.2.2 be available?
  3. progress bar

    Hi, The progress bar when loading the data for the chart is not moving. How can I turn it on? Thanks. Ian
  4. progress bar

    Thanks for your reply. Since the progress bar doesn't move before the xml is ready. Is there anyway to hide that progress bar? Thanks. Ian
  5. progress bar

    This is how I call the chart. var myChart=new FusionCharts("<%=EXT_LIB_PATH%>/FusionCharts/StackedBar2D.swf","compInfoid","320","200","0","1"); myChart.setDataURL(escape("claimLCTDashboard.do")); myChart.render("compinfo"); claimLCTDashboard.do will take some times to generate the xml for the chart. Therefore, it would be nice to see the progress bar moving when the xml is generating. Thanks. Ian