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Everything posted by orit

  1. Hi all, How can minimize the X axis: minimize the columns size and reduce the gap between the categories (for example, reduce the space between the 10/2020 and 11/2020). I tried to use maxColWidth and plotSpacePercent but it didn't solved all the issues above. Thank you!
  2. Gap between x axis categories

    Thank you Ayan! Problem solved
  3. Gap between x axis categories

    Hi Ayan, I already tried to do so but it didn't solved what I'm looking for: I want that the X axis will appear without scrolling and that the space between each category will be reduced (the columns\bars size 'll be reduced as well)...
  4. Hi, I'm trying to work with msstackedcolumn2d in order to see two stacked columns, but somehow I see only one. What am I missing? '{"type":"msstackedcolumn2d", "renderAt":"chart-container", "width":"100%", "height":"50%", "dataFormat":"json", "dataSource":{"chart":{"caption":"title...", "subCaption":"10/2020 - 04/2021", "xAxisName":"","yAxisName":"Consumption","theme":"fusion","exportEnabled":1,"plotSpacePercent": 80}, "categories":[{"category":[{"label":"10/2020"},{"label":"11/2020"},{"label":"12/2020"},{"label":"01/2021"},{"label":"02/2021"},{"label":"03/2021"}]}], "dataset":[{ "dataset": [{"seriesname":"A import", "color":"009933", "data": [{ "value":"1.200"},{ "value":"1.200"},{ "value":"1.200"},{ "value":"1.200"},{ "value":"1.200"},{ "value":"0.410"}]}, {"seriesname":"C import", "color":"3366cc", "data": [{ "value":"0.470"},{ "value":"0.470"},{ "value":"0.470"},{ "value":"0.470"},{ "value":"0.470"},{ "value":"1.400"}]}], "dataset": [{"seriesname":"A export", "color":"80ffbf", "data": [{ "value":"0.890"},{ "value":"0.890"},{ "value":"0.890"},{ "value":"0.890"},{ "value":"0.890"},{ "value":"0.700"}]}, {"seriesname":"C export", "color":"99ddff" , "data": [{ "value":"1.300"},{ "value":"1.300"},{ "value":"1.300"},{ "value":"1.300"},{ "value":"1.300"},{ "value":"1.700"}]}] }] , "trendlines": []}}'
  5. Gap between x axis categories

    When I change the plotSpacePercent value to 80 (for example) I got the following change( see pic). I want to minimize the space between the categories as well( reduce the between 10/2020-11/2020 etc...)