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About RahulY

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hi, i want to place the legends at particular position(exactly above the 3rd last column) as attached in screenshot, but this position is in between the top-right position and top position, but when i resize by changing width of chart then the legends position should be at exactly above the 3rd last column Is there any way to do legends position should be at exactly above the 3rd last column even if i resize by changing width of chart ? Thanks
  2. Hi, when i am using "legendPosition": "absolute", "legendXposition" : "250", "legendYposition" : "50" to fix the legend position but when i am resizing(by changing height or width) the charts then legends fixed at whatever we define in 'legendXposition' & 'legendYposition' position. is the any way resize legend position with respect to chart resizing ?
  3. Hi, How can we minimize the spacing between two columns in "columns2d" charts as i attached, i have tried the "plotpaddingpercent" but doesn't work. also tried "plotSpacepercent" then my columns width going to be increases. is there any other options ?
  4. As we are separating two columns using "plotpaddingpercent" in mscolumns2d, but is there any way to separate vertical grid band with thickness same as columns in mscolumn2d like attached in snap below:
  5. i am implementing mscolumns2d chart as i see there is no property to adjust gap between columns , i want the gap or spacing between the two column in mscolumns2d chart, as shown in attachment(red color) ?
  6. As we have "showAlternateVGridColor" is mscolumn2d which shows the alternate vertical grid color, do we have any property which shows continuous vertical grid color like shown in attachment?