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Everything posted by andrei9992000

  1. Hello, I'm trying to load an external xml MS chart from a custom class I made. The XML loads fine however the chart would not render/display. I have attached my main, xml as well as my class code. Please let me know what the issues is. Thanks, Andrei
  2. rendering chart from external .as class

    Works great, THANKS A LOT!!!
  3. rendering chart from external .as class

    *BUMP* Anyone have any idea what the issue is?
  4. OnMouseOverIssue

    Hello. I am trying to create an MSArea2DChart. Loading the data works fine and the graph displays, however when I move my mouse over the dot for the first and last set of data, the mouseOver box is not displayed at the proper location (just above the dot) but outside the graph. I found out that if I make my canvasPadding large (over 100) it works. What might seem to be the issue? This is my code: #include "com/fusioncharts/includes/" #include "com/fusioncharts/includes/" import com.fusioncharts.core.charts.MSArea2DChart; var chartContainer1MC:MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip("ChartHolder1", this.getNextHighestDepth()); var chart1:MSArea2DChart = new MSArea2DChart(chartContainer1MC, 5, 550, 425, 200, 15, false, "EN", "noScale"); var xmlData:XML = new XML(); xmlData.ignoreWhite=true; xmlData.onLoad = function(success) { if (success) { chart1.setXMLData(xmlData); chart1.render(); stop(); } } xmlData.load("Data.xml");
  5. OnMouseOverIssue

    *BUMP* anyone care to give me any suggestion @ all or does this company offer 0 support?
  6. OnMouseOverIssue

    Hello, My chart version is "3.1.1". Thanks,
  7. OnMouseOverIssue

    HI, I am using the XML found in the Gallery/Data/MSArea2D.xml. What exactly do you mean by chart version?? The version, height and area are given by var chart1:MSArea2DChart = new MSArea2DChart(chartContainer1MC, 5, 550, 425, 200, 15, false, "EN", "noScale"); no? Please let me know if I'm missing something Thanks, Andrei