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Everything posted by pbunting

  1. Hi, We have experienced a delay in loading the charts when the dataset gets a bit larger. We are testing with IE7. We generate the XML data in out JSP and then create and load the chart using the Javascript functions. We found that the longest duration task was actually the setDataXML javascript function, in particular the encodeDataXML function. IE7 seems much slower at this than say FireFox. Our solution is to create the chart with no data, then when we get the rendered event we use the setDataXML function to load the data. This is much quicker as it appears only the initial data goes through the encodeDataXML function. function renderChart() { graph = new FusionCharts(...); graph.setDataXML('<chart />'); graph.render("chartDivId"); } function FC_Rendered(DOMId) { graph.setDataXML('<c:out value="${XML}" escapeXml="false" />'); } Hope this "feature" helps Paul