Thanks for the response!
The part that fails is here:
if (chartObj.hasRendered()) chartObj.exportChart();
The call to hasRendered() returns false so the next line (exportChart) never gets called.
As for the chart attributes, I'm first pulling the XML from the graph then adding a caption. Here's the XML before and after I've added my caption property (note that the data has been removed from this post).
<chart showFCMenuItem="0" animation="1" showLabels="1" rotateLabels="0" showYAxisValues="1" formatNumberScale="0" decimals="2" exportShowMenuItem="1" exportEnabled="1" exportAtClient="0" exportHandler="/Exporting/FCExporter.aspx" exportDialogMessage="Preparing graph:" exportFormats="PDF=Export as PDF" exportAction="download" exportFileName="Log" bgAlpha="0" showLegend="1" legendPosition="RIGHT" showBorder="1" defaultAnimation="1" showValues="0">
<chart showFCMenuItem="0" caption="Date Range: 5/25/2010 to 5/26/2010" animation="1" showLabels="1" rotateLabels="0" showYAxisValues="1" formatNumberScale="0" decimals="2" exportShowMenuItem="1" exportEnabled="1" exportAtClient="0" exportHandler="/Exporting/FCExporter.aspx" exportDialogMessage="Preparing graph:" exportFormats="PDF=Export as PDF" exportAction="download" exportFileName="Log" bgAlpha="0" showLegend="1" legendPosition="RIGHT" showBorder="1" defaultAnimation="1" showValues="0">
The two appear the same except for the addition of the Date Range caption property.
So it looks like modifying the chart means I need to render it again? Any suggestions on how I do that?
Thanks again for any help you can offer.