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About Ramona

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  1. It is possible to initiate an export from PHP on the server? Based on my research I am thinking it is not because the export uses the rendered chart on the client side. But hopefully - maybe I am wrong and you can export to an image without getting the client side involved? Assuming you can't initiate the export from the server then am I on the right track with this: Goal: Transparently to the user, create a PDF with numerous (up to 16) pie charts on it Environment: hosted MS_SQL database with several million rows Approach: Use PHP to create the page with all the charts embedded Include the necessary JavaScript in the page In the on-load JavaScript: for each chart, verify it has rendered then export it to a unique filename that includes a unique session ID [examples: sessionID1chart1.jpg, sessionID1Chart2.jpg, etc...) open a PHP page passing it the session ID which creates the PDF using the saved jpg files I am evaluating FusionCharts and think it is what I will end up using but am concerned about the difficulty of accomplishing this task. Any help and advise would be appreciated. Thanks!