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About Daanvm

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Remove default animations

    Thanks! That's what I was looking for It does Thanks!
  2. Remove default animations

    Hey, I've been searching a long time in the manual and in this forum, but I can't find how to turn off all animations. I found a lot of things that are realy cool (like writing your own animations), but the simplest of all is unfindable: how to not use them. The problem is that I have a really large dataset and want to turn off all animations and shadows and things like that. Can anybody show me how? At this moment I'm drawing a multi-series Line 2D, but that might change in the future. Thanks! Daan
  3. Maximum number of datapoints

    Thanks! I'll try it out.. Daan
  4. Maximum number of datapoints

    Thanks for your reply! Is it possible to let the user select multiple points, instead of let them click on only one? Something like this: http://www.fusioncharts.com/Demos/ScatterReturn/Default.html Or is it possible to trigger a js-function on a doubleClick event? Another possibility is to 'fake' the doubleClick event by measuring the time between the two calls to the function. But that's a bit cumbersome. Thanks! Daan
  5. Hi there! I was wondering what the maximum number of data entries is for the charts. For my website I need a line chart with two lines. Each line exists of about 10.000 entries. I think this is too much for FusionCharts, so I have to make it less detailed. Can anyone confirm this? Secondly, I read in this article that the charts doesn't support zoom, but that they are working on it. The article was written in 2006. Is it finished yet? Daan