Jean Chandler

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Everything posted by Jean Chandler

  1. Hi, I hope I'm posting in the write forum. If you will forgive me, a brief introduction: I am relatively new to using Fusion Charts and this is my first post. We recently saw a demonstration of Fusion Charts at the Magic Software User Group Conference in Las Vegas a few weeks ago, and we bought the Developer kit which I've been playing with a little bit. We use a software called UniPaas here to write custom software for clients in the Maritime industry. UP is not a traditional development environment so it's a bit of a paradigm shift for me to use Fusion, but we have written Dashboards in Flex before so it's not completely unfamiliar territory. What I'm trying to figure out is if it's possible to deploy a report as a .JPG image automatically without any user interraction. What I really want to do is drop some images in a particular directory which will later be exposed to mobile devices through authenticated access. Looking at the examples in the documentation page, it looks like everything including the server side and batch mode implentations seem to require user input, and all are requiring writing some middleware in PhP or ASP or Javascript. Is there any way to have fusion automatically create an image for me preferably without writing a lot of Middleware code? J