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About eyalc

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  1. Resizing pie charts

    Does this mean that the updateChart() I am trying to implement will never work? Do you have some kind of a workaround? In general, why can't I rerender the chart after modifying some variables?
  2. Resizing pie charts

    Hi I am trying to resize my charts whenever the browser is resized but with no luck. I call the following JS function whenever the page is resized but nothing happens. I tries calling the render() method on the chart object but got an error that property or method is not supported. In the jsp, I declared the chart size in pixels. Any help wil be appreciated. [b] function[/b] setFCNewData() { [b]var[/b] chartObj = getChartFromId('summaryChartId'); chartObj.setVariable('chartWidth','100'); }
  3. Hi I have a JSP that consists of JSF components. In addition, I have a refresh mechanism that uses a4j inorder to rerender some of the components and not the whole page: <a4j:region> <h:form style=[i]"display:none;"[/i]> <a4j:poll id=[i]"poll"[/i] interval=[i]"5000"[/i] enabled=[i]"true"[/i] reRender=[i]"pieCharts"[/i] action="#{HomePageBean.doRefreshCurrentChunk}"/> </h:form> </a4j:region> <table id=[i]"pieChartsTable"[/i] border=[i]"0"[/i] cellspacing=[i]"0"[/i] cellpadding=[i]"0"[/i] width=[i]"100%"[/i]> <tr> <td class=[i]"bgWhite"[/i]> <jsp:include page=[i]"charts/FusionChartsHTMLRenderer.jsp"[/i] flush=[i]"true"[/i]> <jsp:param name=[i]"chartSWF"[/i] value=[i]"charts/Pie2D.swf?registerWithJS=1&ChartNoDataText= "[/i] /> <jsp:param name=[i]"strURL"[/i] value=[i]"charts/Data.xml"[/i] /> <jsp:param name=[i]"strXML"[/i] value="#{HomePageBean.chartData}" /> <jsp:param name=[i]"chartId"[/i] value=[i]"myFirst"[/i] /> <jsp:param name=[i]"chartWidth"[/i] value=[i]"800"[/i] /> <jsp:param name=[i]"chartHeight"[/i] value=[i]"400"[/i] /> <jsp:param name=[i]"showBorder"[/i] value=[i]"false"[/i] /> <jsp:param name=[i]"debugMode"[/i] value=[i]"false"[/i] /> <jsp:param name=[i]"registerWithJS"[/i] value=[i]"true"[/i] /> </jsp:include> </td> </tr> </table> However the above code doesn't seem to work. What am I doing wrong? how can I refresh only the pie chart?