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Everything posted by k1rby

  1. Hi, I'm trying to make my charts export server-side automaticaly on page load. So I added this JS function in my page: function FC_Rendered(DomID) { var chartObject = getChartFromId(DomID); chartObject.exportChart(); } The problem is I'm getting this error message : "chartObject.exportChart is not a function" Any idea ?
  2. Fusion charts and links

    Hi, I saw that it's actually possible to put links on dataset via the link property () but i can't find out if it's possible to put a link on chart. For exemple, I have a chart (column 3d) that is only a top 5 of a list of multiple entries, and I'd like to make the chart opening the url where the full chart is. Is there any way to do it ? Thanks for help.
  3. Fusion charts and links

    Works like a charm, thanks for help