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Everything posted by pharmarc

  1. Hi Team, I have cretaed fusion charts using licenced version(3) .I want to export the chart and data to powerpoint(template) like each chart in one slide. below is my code for creating chart.Can you please share the code for exporting to powerpoint. <script type="text/javascript" src="App/FusionCharts.js"> function GenerateChartForBasicReport() { //first chart var myChartOppt = new FusionCharts("App/StackedColumn3D.swf", "chartByOppt", "460", "200", "0", "0");myChartOppt.addParam( "WMode", "Transparent");myChartOppt.setDataURL( "SubReports/GrossSalesByOppurt.aspx");myChartOppt.render( "chartByOppt"); //second chartvar myChartCountry = new FusionCharts("App/StackedColumn3D.swf", "chartByCountry", "460", "200", "0", "0"); myChartCountry.addParam("WMode", "Transparent"); myChartCountry.setDataURL("SubReports/GrossSalesByCountry.aspx"); myChartCountry.render("chartByCountry"); //third chart var myChartAsset = new FusionCharts("App/MSLine.swf", "chartByAsset", "920", "220", "0", "0");myChartAsset.addParam( "WMode", "Transparent");myChartAsset.setDataURL( "SubReports/AssetSales.aspx");myChartAsset.render( "AssetSales"); } }</script>
  2. Hi Basundhara Ghosal Thank You for your past reply. I have developed chart but i don't know how to export as image in single button event.I am not able understand from documentation .could you please send the code for exporting and how configure exporinghandler in project.