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About Ramesh82

  • Rank
    Forum Newbie
  1. Looks like the attribute displayValue is not supported by most of the 3D charts? Thanks, Ramesh Kumar.P
  2. Hi, When I am trying to customzie the data label using displayValue on MSColumn3DLineDY chart, the customizaed lable never comes up. Request you to help me with this. Thanks, Ramesh Kumar.P
  3. Line Graph

    Hi , I would like to know is there any attribute or mechanism which will help us to control the space between the Y-axis and the starting value of the line in the first series. That is if my value of the line chart is starting 20..this should not be starting right on the Y-axis. It would be good to see if this starts with some space after the Y-axis. If you can also let me know, I can i hide the values on the lines that would be helpful. Thanks, Ramesh Kumar.P
  4. Export feature

    Hi, I am completely new to the export feature, could you please help me with any documentation or source code for achieving the same. Thanks, Ramesh Kumar :crying:
  5. Export feature

    Hi, When I write exportEnabled='1' in the <chart> element, I can see the options "Save as JPEG", "Save as GIF" or "Save as PDF". When I click on these options nothing happens. Can somebody help me with this please.. Thanks, Ramesh Kumar.P