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About minakshi

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Legends for Pie Charts

    Hello Team, I got the solution of problem mentioned. In pie chart,we cannot place the legend as it comes under single series charts. I got the solution for the second problem which was to remove the shading around the pie.I used the property borderalpha='100' and it worked. I tried using property labelDistance for decreasing and increasing the distance between label and pie, but the distance is not getting changed.It remains same every time.Is there any other way to use this property .I used it as labelDistance='5'. What can be the problem and solution for this? Thanx in advance. Regards, Minakshi
  2. Hello FusionChart Team, Can we show legends for Pie charts? I tried with showLegend='1' ,but it didn't worked. Please help me out. Also can we generate the pie chart without the shading at the border. I tried with multiple properties ,but not able to remove it. Please let me know which property is to be used to remove it. Thanks in advance. Regards, Minakshi
  3. Hello, Thanx for ur reply. Actually i want the seriesname to place inside the stacked chart. for eg,<dataset seriesName='New' />.Instead of the value ,i want the 'New' name to be displayed inside the columns of the stacked for identifying purpose instead of legends. Thanx in advance Regards, Minakshi
  4. Hello, In documentation,u hav given the property to display values inside the column bars(wether in bars or stacked charts) by using showvalues='1' and placeValuesInside='1' Is there a property present, to display seriesname inside the stacked charts? If yes how can it be done? Thanks in advance Regards, Minakshi