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About Sipes

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  1. Error saving chart as jpg - client side

    That worked for me. Thank you very much Rahul. Now I need to know how to get the evaluation tag removed from the chart without paying for the software. Just kidding :) Thanks for your quick help.
  2. Error saving chart as jpg - client side

    Yes I'm using FP 10.0. I've now updated my included fusioncharts.js file to state: //Whether to registed with JavaScript registerWithJS = registerWithJS ? registerWithJS : 1; this.addVariable('registerWithJS', registerWithJS); Not sure if this is necesary....... I also left out the double quotes on my call renderchart Call renderChart("../../fusionCharts/charts/" & ChartType, "FusionCharts_1", strXML, "FactorySum", 600, 300, 0, 1) Should I have double quotes or not? Thanks for your quick reply.
  3. Error saving chart as jpg - client side

    Hi there, Thanks for the reply. My folder structure is as follow: Root -fusioncharts -JSClass -FusionCharts.js -FusionChartsExportComponent.js -Customer -includes -FusionCharts.asp -reports -Count_Area.asp (page showing chart) Count_Area.asp includes the following code to include necessary classes and pages: ... ... I build the chart with the following line: Call renderChart("../../fusionCharts/charts/" & ChartType, "FusionCharts_1", strXML, "FactorySum", 600, 300, "0", "1") I looked around for an example on how to register the RegisterWithJs component, but I couldn't find exact example under ASP. I assumed the last two parameters would be the same as for normal chart building. Therefore I assume the final "1" in my command line activates RegisterWithJs. Thanks for your help...
  4. Hi there, I'm having issues trying to save my chart as jpg on the client side.. When I select the epxort to jpg option, it shows the progress bar to 100%, but the button stays inactive and says "waiting". I've changed my global security settings and I'm running on localhost with IIS :-( I've tried in IE 8 and Google chrome, but no luck. Please help. PS: Very, very impressive software. I'm evaluating, but will definately be buying. Thx