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About ultifinal

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Label on Right

    In a Drag Node chart, I am using images for the nodes. Can I have the Label displayed on the RIGHT? Current options for labelAlign are TOP , BOTTOM & MIDDLE.
  2. Not able to call a function on Mouse Click

    Fantastic!! Your note on "Flash Player Global Security settings" clicked! That was the problem!! I really appreciate the quick turnaround! Vaibhav.
  3. The chart will appear within this DIV. This text will be replaced by the chart. var xmldata = ''; var myChart = new FusionCharts("../Charts/Column2D.swf", "myChartId", "500", "300", "0", "1"); myChart.setDataXML(xmldata); myChart.render("chartdiv");
  4. Basic Questions on Charts

    Thanks Sanjukta for your tip regarding the Drill down charts. I shall have a look at it today. Going back to my first questions "Can I select a few bubbles from the bubble chart and call a function on them?". The "link" attribute would allow me to call a function on only one bubble. I would like to call a function on say 5 bubbles simultaneously. Is it possible?
  5. Basic Questions on Charts

    I would like to know the following: 1) Can I select a few bubbles from the bubble chart and call a function on them? 2) Can I fire an event when I click on a bubble in the bubble chart? 3) When I mouseover / rollover a bubble, can I get the data about the bubble and call my own javascript function to do some processing? Regards, Vaibhav.