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Everything posted by ultifinal

  1. Label on Right

    In a Drag Node chart, I am using images for the nodes. Can I have the Label displayed on the RIGHT? Current options for labelAlign are TOP , BOTTOM & MIDDLE.
  2. The chart will appear within this DIV. This text will be replaced by the chart. var xmldata = ''; var myChart = new FusionCharts("../Charts/Column2D.swf", "myChartId", "500", "300", "0", "1"); myChart.setDataXML(xmldata); myChart.render("chartdiv");
  3. Not able to call a function on Mouse Click

    Fantastic!! Your note on "Flash Player Global Security settings" clicked! That was the problem!! I really appreciate the quick turnaround! Vaibhav.
  4. Basic Questions on Charts

    I would like to know the following: 1) Can I select a few bubbles from the bubble chart and call a function on them? 2) Can I fire an event when I click on a bubble in the bubble chart? 3) When I mouseover / rollover a bubble, can I get the data about the bubble and call my own javascript function to do some processing? Regards, Vaibhav.
  5. Basic Questions on Charts

    Thanks Sanjukta for your tip regarding the Drill down charts. I shall have a look at it today. Going back to my first questions "Can I select a few bubbles from the bubble chart and call a function on them?". The "link" attribute would allow me to call a function on only one bubble. I would like to call a function on say 5 bubbles simultaneously. Is it possible?