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About Radovan

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Remove decimals

    Hello I'm using a MSLine chart, and when when the stats numbers are zero/low the horizontal values are 0 0.03 0.06 etcetera, how can i make all of them show 0 instead? here is my debugMode='0' showAboutMenuItem='0' caption='activity' showBorder='0' animation='1' showShadow='1' lineThickness='2' canvasBorderThickness='2' showValues='0' formatNumberScale='0' legendMarkerCircle='1' labelStep='1' numvdivlines='10' legendShadow='0' chartRightMargin='35' chartTopMargin='5' legendBorderAlpha='0' chartBottomMargin='10' bgColor='ffffff' bgAlpha='100' showAlternateHGridColor='1' formatNumberScale='1' formatNumber='0' decimals='0' vDivLineIsDashed='0' divLineIsDashed='0' divLineAlpha='50' anchorRadius='2'>
  2. Take a look at this thread: http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/Topic29478-52-1.aspx
  3. Hello I'm looking for a worldmap to provide visitor stats for my website (Integrated with MySQL Database) http://www.fusioncharts.com/maps/Demos/FlashExample/Index.html I'm looking for something similar to this but a Worldmap, where countries are colored based upon % of visitors coming from there A good example of what i'm looking for is in CNStats Where there is a colors based on percentage of visitors, and dynamicly changeable depending on how many total visitors Is it possible to make something similar using FusionCharts/FusionMaps? If you are interested, the project will be awarded through www.freelancer.com to provide safety for both of us I'm a trusted buyer there (15+ positive buyer reviews) and i'm willing to escrow the full payment to selected provider Send me a PM here (or write in the thread) on how much you will charge me to complete this project and estimated time to finish Regards