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About pmonty

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Custom Objects

    After some more fiddling I think I see where I misunderstood. I had to reset and adjust all the xpos ypos stuff in the xml to get it to match up with the scale of the chart. Got it. Thanks. Paul
  2. Custom Objects

    Thank you, Pallav for your response. However, in reading all the documentation I can find about this, I am still puzzled as to why the images are displaying so differently. I have changed the scale but not the size of the underlying linear chart. You can see that your sample begins with 0. But, mine ranges from -200 to +200. But changing the scale and changing the size are two different things if I understand correctly. If I must change the scale of the pixel based object, how and where do I do that in the XML to make it scale correctly with the underlying object that is scaled as shown but whose size is no different than the one in your documentation example? I have played with and changed every setting I can see in the data.xml file. Must I also change something in the html to reflect the changed scaling? Paul
  3. Custom Objects

    Yes, I know that I was trying to add the custom object. I am trying to reproduce the linear chart in your examples that has a gradient. My point is that when adding the custom object it is sized differently than the underlying linear chart. The full custom object does not show. If I increase the size of the chart and the custom object, then the scale of the underlying chart does not change. What I am trying to get is this But what I am getting instead is this What I am trying to understand is what is wrong with the second chart? Paul
  4. Custom Objects

    I tried cutting and pasting the code for the linear chart from your custom objects example and get a strange result. It appears that the underlying linear chart does not size the same as the custom objects laid over it. It can be seen here: Any ideas how to fix this? Paul