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About uman

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hi Ayan Pal All works good now! Thank you very much!
  2. Hi Ayan Pal I'm using these pages: (from download package -> Folder: Code/PHP/DB_Drll) - Default.php - Detailed.php - Charts.php There is no GET or POST method. Thank you to help me.
  3. Hi Basundhara Ghosal I tried this line: $strQuery = "select a.Internal_Id,a.entity_id,b.group_name,c.subgroup_name,sum( datap from fcmap_distribution a, fcmap_group_master b, fcmap_subgroup_master c where a.group_id=b.group_id and a.subgroup_id=c.subgroup_id group by a.Internal_Id,a.entity_id,b.group_name,c.subgroup_name having a.Internal_Id='" . $_REQUEST['Internal_Id'] . "' and a.entity_id='" . $_REQUEST['entity_id'] . "' and b.group_name='" . $ors1['group_name'] . "'"; And I got this "error": Notice: Undefined index: Internal_Id in C:wampwwwSUPER MANAGER 3.0adminCharts.php on line 106 Notice: Undefined index: entity_id in C:wampwwwSUPER MANAGER 3.0adminCharts.php on line 106 Notice: Undefined index: Internal_Id in C:wampwwwSUPER MANAGER 3.0adminCharts.php on line 106 Notice: Undefined index: entity_id in C:wampwwwSUPER MANAGER 3.0adminCharts.php on line 106 Notice: Undefined index: Internal_Id in C:wampwwwSUPER MANAGER 3.0adminCharts.php on line 106 Notice: Undefined index: entity_id in C:wampwwwSUPER MANAGER 3.0adminCharts.php on line 106 Would you please help me?
  4. Hi Basundhara Ghosal Thank you for the informations.
  5. Hi B. G., Many thanks for the detailed links. I'm sure they'll help me later. The "problem", now, is about "costuming own maps"! I mean: 1- I have a master map with towns (included into fusionMaps application. Folder: "Maps") 2- When I click on a "town", I hope showing the "town" (as a new map)...onto a new (or the same) page or window. 3- Each town is showing with specific informations from a mysql table (for example!) So, I have, first, to make the maps of the towns....! How to do it? How to start.... PS. There is an example with only a USA map!!
  6. Hi, I'm sure I often will coming back here because: - I'm just starting FusionChats and FusionMaps.. - ..Your "community" seems to be very nice! These tools are very powerful to be used as "decision help objective". I'll try to have more time to explore them step by step (I'm very busy with job!). I'm using some of the samples (described onto the documentation) for my actual project. My difficulty, now, is to make "custom maps" to link to a master map. I don't know how to begin. I'm searching across the web... So thank you for all. (Sorry for my "poor english". I'm best in french)
  7. Hi, $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] works! Thank you very much. So long..
  8. Hi, I get trying the example of FusionMaps names "DB_Drill"...but I get "Msg error" about "Detailled.php" page like this: "Notice: Undefined variable: QUERY_STRING in C:wampwwwSUPER MANAGER 3.0adminDetailed.php on line 105" Can somebody helps me? Many thanks