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Everything posted by dragnoder

  1. Hi there, I have a page that query the database to provide current status of a node, eg. status.aspx?id=1, which I would like to call on the tooltip of DragNode. I tested by putting an iframe inside the toolText, but it is not displaying anything. I have also defined the styles for tooltip and made isHTML='1' . How is the syntax should be to do so, if it is possible? If not, is there any alternatve solution available to replace the tooltip with some form of mouse over pop up message from a dynamic page? Thanks. ~Al
  2. Hi, What are the text formatting supporting within toolText? I can bold a text by using <b>BOLD TEXT</b> and break line {br}. Is there a doc describing the flags available within the toolText? Thanks again.
  3. Hi, Sorry, I am pretty new with this. What do you mean by re-render the chart?