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About smarsh

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    Forum Newbie
  1. changing colors and width in 3d bar chart

    Does that mean that every time the data changes, I would have to calculate the percentages and add them to the XML file?
  2. changing colors and width in 3d bar chart

    Thanks. I don't know what you mean by that. Can you explain? Here's my XML:
  3. changing colors and width in 3d bar chart

    That doesn't do it. On the pie chart, the wedges show the actual numeric values, but when you mouse over them, they then show a pop-up dialog with percentages. That's what I'm trying to achieve w/the bar chart. The solution you provided changes the values to %. I need them to stay actual values and just the mouse over be a %.
  4. changing colors and width in 3d bar chart

    Excellent. Thank you very much. One other thing: I'm using a pie chart for other data and it shows percentages when you mouse over a wedge. Can the bar chart be configured to show percentages when you mouse over a bar? If so, how?
  5. changing colors and width in 3d bar chart

    Thanks. Is there a similar 3D bar chart that I can change the base color or eliminate the canvas?
  6. Hi, I'm trying to change the colors of the backdrop behind and below the 3D bar chart (not the background), but don't know what parameters apply. Also, I'd like to make the bars wider. Can someone give me direction on this? Thanks guys.