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Everything posted by ChrisC

  1. Partial Canvas Border

    Hi! Please consider the chart attached. I would like the canvas border to only be visible on the x-axis base line and y-axis base line, thus hiding the top and right hand side borders, is this possible? Thanks
  2. Hide Canvas Border

    Hi! I'm new to Fusion Charts and so far it has everything I need. I am having a problem removing the borders/labels marked in red on the graph below: My XML is at: I will be adding in a background image at a later date so I can't just set the border colour to the same colour as the background! Any help appreciated
  3. Hide Canvas Border

    The XML attached seems to be correct (you wont have the bg image) I've double checked and you can download it at: You can also download the background image at: Thanks
  4. Hide Canvas Border

    Thanks for your reply. I've had some success using the trial version, however I just need to remove/set transparent the areas marked in red and also remove the Y-Axis labels. The orange/pumpkin is a background image XML: Could you let me know how this is done? Thanks!