Hi All,
My company has purchased the v3 charts developer version for use in a wesite we are developing. I am currently in the middle of sorting out the graph for the webpage, it's stright forward I am using the flash object for the scrollable gragh and i have begun customising the graph and the data it will show through an xml file.
I can't seem to figure out the command to get it to show the value on top of the barchart i'e the y axsis value ontop of each column.
Please see below for the code I am trying...
<chart plotSpacePercen='100' numVisiblePlot='7' showAlternateHGridColor='0' divLineColor='#000000' animation='0' defaultAnimation='0' caption='Sales Performance' shownames='1' showvalues='0' numberPrefix='' useRoundEdges='0' legendBorderAlpha='0' showBorder='0' bgAlpha='0,0' bgColor='#000000,#000000' canvasBgColor='#000000,#000000'>
<category label='Chris Clover' />
<dataset seriesName='' color='#A4A4A4' showValues='0'>
<set value='145' displayValue='145' />
Kind Regards