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About shapper

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    Forum Newbie
  1. AS3 and Google Analytics

    FusionCharts does not support thisfeature, as of now. Butwe are glad to let you know that we have included the "Dynamic Resizing" feature in our next upgraded version, i.e, FusionCharts v3.2 which is going to release in next 15 days. But if I place the SWF Flash in a web page where I define its width as 100% and the container div will be between 600px and 750px won't it expand? I think it will and since it is just a chart with area it won't look strange. What do you think? I am looking for something to resize when the browser window is resized. I don't think the Dynamic Resizing will be useful in this case ... At least as far as I understand it.
  2. AS3 and Google Analytics

    Hello, I need to create a Fusion Chart in Flash as follows: 1 - Area chart with dots for each point that looks like Google Analytics Visits Chart. (Something like this: 2 - Make the chart fluid in its width so it expands on a Fluid HTML Design ... Just like in Google Analytics. 3 - Define all the properties of the chart using Action Script (Maybe on the first frame?) Is this possible? Could someone, please, help me out with this? Thank You, Miguel