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About kwangmin82

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Cannot drilldown in IE

    Hi, Thanks. HUGE HELP!! Min
  2. Cannot drilldown in IE

    Hi, I am building charts under PHP/MySql environment. Following function is the one I am using for drilldown. [p] function updateCharts(year) { //Update the checkboxes present on the same page. var i; //Iterate through all checkboxes and match the selected year for (i=0; i if(parseInt(document.frmYr.year.value,10)==year){ document.frmYr.year.checked = true; }else{ document.frmYr.year.checked = false; } } //NoCache="+Math.floor(Math.random())+"& if (incidentLoaded) { RN=Math.floor(Math.random()*9999999999); var strURL = "../seracharts/Data_IncidentComparison.php?noCache="+RN+"&year=" + year; strURL = escape(strURL); var chartObj = getChartFromId("IncidentComparison"); chartObj.setDataURL(strURL); }else{ alert("Please wait for the charts to load..."); return; } } [/p] What 'Data_IncidentComparison.php' does is simply generate XML file. I just attached noCache parameter after the URL as suggested by other topic. But doesn't work for me. I just started from the function given by FusionChart and working perfectly in all browsers except for IE. Even in IE, if I open the page in localhost(http), it runs well. But once I upload to the public-site(https), the error shows up 'Error in loading data.' Any suggestion?? Cheers Min