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About krystiann

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Mouse OnClick event handler

    Hello, I am considering purchasing FCharts however i'm in the need of the same aforementioned feature - an onclick handler exposed on the api (similiar to the one in Open Flash Charts -> ofc_onclick). I need this feature to update other elements of the webpage according to the clicks users execute on the chart ( for example to highlight a row on a grid representing the value on the chart). Is such a feature planned?
  2. Hello, I've noticed that when a chart is placed within a div which visibility is dynamically changed (using the style property display:none/block) then the swf gets reloaded to initial state ( it's not storing the date provided by setDataXML through ExternalInterface update). Is there a way to overcome this behaviour ? This problem does not occur with other charting libs ( OFC for example ). Thank you.