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About sychowaves

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    Forum Newbie
  1. <?php include("Includes/FusionCharts.php"); include("Includes/DBConn.php"); //Hemos incluido../Incluye/FusionCharts.php y../Incluye/DBConn.php, que contiene //funciones para ayudar nos empotran f
  2. [background=#fff" title="" Zc="After reading all the help of php, as summarized in FusionCharts and left with doubts, I decided to check on this forum to clear my doubts, I did all the examples and came out perfect, but in theory, I could not solve my problem with the version mslin " Yc="Despu
  3. I require make graph with MSLINE.SWF which already creates in a basic way down my code which does not understand is: the form must send the MySQL data by means of the variable $strXML; and tried to several forms and not e had results in any case stop the basic current version perfectly to see if you can give me ideas