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Found 3 results

  1. I am trying to prevent my treemap from drilling down. There does not seem a default method but am trying this and it does not seem to work, any idea? this.$refs.chart.chartObj.on('dataPlotClick', (e) => { e.preventDefault() })
  2. Hi, I want to leverage the drill down links in pop up windows for my MVC application. But all the examples displayed here are for .aspx how can i use this for MVC. Here is a link i was following and the example is for aspx
  3. Change text on back button

    Hi there. I'm trying to change the text label on the back-button on a drilled down chart. I'm using version 3.2.2 (XT) and Flash to render. Can anyone give me some guidelines to how I can change this (if possible). /Uffe