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I'm trying to create a stacked chart with from a database into a JSON Append object and am having some trouble. I have a set a weeks to display on the X axis. The Y axis will display a number of Hours per status. This is my first chart with a JSON object within MVC and instead of getting an error message, the screen just shows "Charts...." text. I believe my issue is mainly within my foreach loop through the status. I also need to implement the passing of the week along with the status so that I am getting the "Hours" for that status and week. Please let me know if you have any questions. I have all my code in page for now. Thank You!! --------------------------------------------------------------- public class WOWeekData { //public int lworkweekcode { get; set; } public DateTime WkDate { get; set; } } public class WOHrsData { //public int WOStatusID { get; set; } //public int lworkweekcode { get; set; } public string WOStatus { get; set; } public int WkHrs { get; set; } public DateTime WkDate { get; set; } } public class HomeController : Controller { List<WOWeekData> wdata_list = new List<WOWeekData>(); List<WOHrsData> hdata_list = new List<WOHrsData>(); public string createChart() { string dat = getData(); Chart cc = new Chart("stackedcolumn3d", "mychart", "750", "550", "json", dat); return cc.Render(); } public string getData() { List<DateTime> WOWkDate2_list = new List<DateTime>(); List<string> WOStatus_list = new List<string>(); List<int> WOWkHrs_list = new List<int>(); List<DateTime> WOWkDate_list = new List<DateTime>(); string db= ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["string"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(); con.ConnectionString = db; con.Open(); SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("Select distinct(WkDate) from v_SampleData2", con); SqlDataReader sda = com.ExecuteReader(); while (sda.Read()) { WOWeekData wod = new WOWeekData(); wod.WkDate = DateTime.Parse(sda[0].ToString()); //wod.W = Int32.Parse(sda[1].ToString()); //wod.P = Int32.Parse(sda[2].ToString()); //wod.H = Int32.Parse(sda[3].ToString()); wdata_list.Add(wod); } foreach (WOWeekData w in wdata_list) { WOWkDate_list.Add(w.WkDate); } sda.Close(); SqlCommand com2 = new SqlCommand("Select * from v_SampleData2", con); SqlDataReader sda2 = com2.ExecuteReader(); while (sda2.Read()) { WOHrsData hrs = new WOHrsData(); hrs.WOStatus = sda2[1].ToString(); hrs.WkHrs = Int32.Parse(sda2[2].ToString()); hrs.WkDate = DateTime.Parse(sda2[0].ToString()); hdata_list.Add(hrs); } foreach (WOHrsData h in hdata_list) { //WOWk.Add(h.WkDate); WOStatus_list.Add(h.WOStatus); WOWkHrs_list.Add(h.WkHrs); WOWkDate2_list.Add(h.WkDate); } sda2.Close(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); //building JSON String StringBuilder JSON = new StringBuilder(); JSON.Append("{" + "'chart': {" + "'caption': 'One Chart Per Department'," + // "'exportEnabled':'1'," + "'xAxisname': 'Weeks'," + "'yAxisName': 'Hours'," + " }," ); //appenfing into StringBuilder objectiterating through collections JSON.Append("'categories': [{" + "'category': [ "); foreach (var wk in WOWkDate_list.Distinct()) { //for last element escaping comma if (wk == WOWkDate_list.Distinct().Last()) { JSON.Append("{ 'label': '" + wk + "' }"); break; } JSON.Append("{ 'label': '" + wk + "' },"); } JSON.Append("]" + "}]," + "'dataset': ["); foreach (var wostat in WOStatus_list.Distinct()) { List<int> wohrsvalue = getWOHrsData(wostat); JSON.Append("{" + "'seriesname':" + "'" + wostat + "'," + "'data': ["); foreach (var whrs in wohrsvalue) { if (whrs == wohrsvalue.Last()) { JSON.Append("{" + "'value':" + "'" + whrs + "'}"); break; } JSON.Append("{" + "'value':" + "'" + whrs + "'},"); } if (wostat == WOStatus_list.Distinct().Last()) { JSON.Append("]" + " }"); break; } JSON.Append("]" + " },"); } //replacing all ' into " string str = JSON.ToString().Replace('\'', '\"'); return str; } public List<int> getWOHrsData(string wostat) { List<int> hrsvalue = new List<int>(); var seriesLink = from wo in hdata_list where wo.WOStatus == wostat select new { linkdata = wo.WkHrs }; foreach (var obj in seriesLink) { hrsvalue.Add(obj.linkdata); } return hrsvalue; } public ActionResult Index() { ViewBag.mydata = createChart(); return View(); } public ActionResult About() { ViewBag.Message = "Your application description page."; return View(); } public ActionResult Contact() { ViewBag.Message = "Your contact page."; return View(); } }