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Bullet Graph - Cannot Find Configuration Option To Ontrol Width

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Hi there,


Dont know if anyone can help - i have been stumped trying to get this to work.


The issue is that I cannot make the graph indicator area thinner without causing the caption to become squashed up. I want a large canvas size, but the graph width to stay thin. As I increase the dimensions of my vertical bullet gauge, the graph width expands to be a big fat thing...


The only option I can see to adjust this is chartLeftMargin and chartRightMargin - but if use these they still make the Caption break to the next line rather than just affecting the gauge graphic only.

Can anyone tell me how to adjust the width of the gauge graphic only?

Many thanks, Steve

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Hey Steve,


While decreasing the width of the Vertical Bullet Gauge, will proportionately decrease the width of the gauge and the space available for Caption also decreases accordingly.


Using Fusionwidgets, it is not possible to adjust the width of the gauge graphic only.


Applying Styles to the Caption attribute and specifying smaller font size will create some space and displays the Caption without squashing it up.


Or, if you require a thinner gauge, you can remove the caption from the gauge and display it using HTML tags outside the chart.

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